以下是引用bigoak在2003-7-24 9:05:06的发言:
As regards teaching assistantships, there is some scope for this within the
Department, indeed our Graduate Training Assistantships are currently being
reviewed. So you should be
prepared. There are also some courses which you will need to undertake at
College before you can take part.
You need do nothing until you arrive, courses will be arranged by our
Graduate School and you will be given the opportunity to attend.
Income from GTA work is restricted so as not to interfere with your
research, and your expertise, there are also Government guidelines capping
the number of hours which can be undertaken. This is not something I can
provide information about at this time.
而且,这有利于你得到签证.但是并不能帮你解决太多的资金准备问题. |