以下是引用CarrotPie在2003-7-16 5:58:07的发言:
kengogo你这个专业会有很多的group meetings and essays so got well prepared for it hoho~ but one advantage is that u'r gonna have many mm in the same major with u ^^
kengogo你这个专业会有很多的group meetings and essays so got well prepared for it hoho~ but one advantage is that u'r gonna have many mm in the same major with u ^^
另外,说道火车票或者coach打折的问题,这边有专门的卡 分别是young pers##被过滤## card and coach card 可以在买车票的地方当场办,而且立刻生效 比原价便宜1/3左右 基本是uker必备的
另,兰卡和曼城当天来回7.5 open saver return(一个月有效) 8.25 (两个价格可能稍微有些出入,精确到个位数) 这是打折之后的价格,原价就自己算把~ 另外,the gap between the return ticket and single is not quite big, just balance it between a less price and an option to have a second ticket.