Hello everybody!!!
I am back now!!!!
hahaha, I am so excited!
I have two things to tell u all:
I am really sorry that I do not have so much spare time to answer every question in time [em24] ,(in fact I nearly do not have no more than 5 hrs to sleep everyday), so maybe u have to wait for a longer time to get the answer u expect . I will try my best to help u.
Please keep staying in UKER and tell ur friends who want to study in the UK as well to come here . Please SUPPORT us. Thank you all!
we had difficulty in logging in UKER in the UK, so it was impossible for us to answer any question those days. Please excuse. And, now I have to write in English other than Chinese, so I think it is better to ask questi##被过滤## let me answer Yes or No. It will be more clear than anwering in very long sentences.
I got an offer from Aberdeen Business School of Robert Gorden University, do you have any suggestion about the university? thank you very much. take care for yourself.
oh, forget to say, it is MSc in International trade.
斑竹斑竹,我本科学的是英语,毕业后在国有资产管理公司(大型金融机构)工作,到明年就三年了,想申请2004的入学,金融方面的,偶最喜欢的是NOTTINGHAM了,他们有一个专业是MA in finance and investment,可是和他们联系后他们说他们只看学术背景,不管工作经验!所以偶不够格,把偶的心都伤透了!后来偶又联系了CITY的banking and international finance,人家就说偶有工作经验,所以不介意偶本科学的不是相关专业,可是一看排名,CITY才51!斑竹能不能给我点建议,我应该申请什么档次的学校呢?那些学校是看重工作经验的呢?最好能够推荐几间,谢谢啦!你觉得CITY怎么样?
以下是引用sunny-day在2003-9-9 14:47:00的发言:
我是名大四的学生,现在正准备托福,明年1月考,想在明年的秋季入学。我的专业是教育技术,是不是只能申请教育相关的专业。------no, u can apply for other majors, such as business.
还有,硕士毕业后能否留在英国工作?---it is very difficult.
如果回国,教育类专业的就业前景又有多大呢?------I am not familiar with the field of Education, sorry.