Lancaster University MSc Management教材及相关参考书:
1. Management: a critical text; fulop and linstead
2. Operati##被过滤## management 3rd edition; slack,chambers, johnston
3. Finance; bodie (高等教育出版社影印版)
4. Economics for business 2nd editon; mcaleese
5. Accounting and finance for non-specialist 4th editon,;atrill and mclaney (全新书)
6. E-business and e-commerce management; challey
7. Marketing - Concepts & Strategies 3rd edition; Dibb.Simkin.Pride & Ferrell
8. Management; Bartol
9. Management: an introduction; boddy (这本书是03/04的教材,今年很可能重新换做教材)
10. Key issues in business ethics; donaldson (下学期如果选ethics的可以参考)
11. The business enterprise in the modern industrial society; child
12. MIS: org and technology in the networked enterprises; Laudon (高等教育出版社影印版)
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