无论什么时候, 作为学生签证持有者都可以邀请自己的父母或者朋友来英国旅行或是参加自己的毕业典礼. 内政部会将他们视为non-dependant会发给访问签证(visitor). 在判断是否颁发访问签证时,签证官会重点考虑如下的几个方面:
1, 在英国不会逗留超过6个月(因为访问签最长是6个月的)
2, 不会在英国逗留期间工作.
3, 能够支持整个在英国的期间的费用和往返旅行费用.
4, 有合适的住宿安排
5, 签证期满以后不会超期逗留英国
为了满足上述要求, 无论是学生本人还是被邀请人都要分别准备一系列的材料. 就学生本人而言需要提供:
1, 提供一封英文邀请信给被邀请人, 如果来英有特别目的则一定要在信中说明,比如参加毕业典礼.
2, 学校出具的在读证明说明本人的学生身份, 在读课程的详细信息.
3, 护照复印件包括个人信息页和签证页
4, JC局注册证明的复印件
5, 为被邀请人安排的住宿证明. 一般来说本人在学校的住宿不能作为被邀请人的住宿. 如果本人是租住私人的房子, 则需要提供于房东的合同以及一封出自房东的信用以陈述房间大小并且适合本人和被邀请人居住. 如果被邀请人住酒店或者单独租房居住, 也要提供相关证明.
1, 签证申请表(可以从www.ukvisas.gov.uk 下载)
2, 连续三个月的银行对帐单用以证明被邀请人有充足的钱来支持自己在英国期间的花费和往返机票费用. 如果被邀请人将使用邀请人的资金作为在英国的开销,则邀请人要提供连续三个月的银行对帐单.
3, 其他的资料用以证明被邀请人不会滞留英国不归. 比如在职人员可以要求所在单位出具的工作证明, 准假证明. 如果被邀请人是学生则可以让学校出具在读证明, 和准假证明. 被邀请人还可以准备其他材料来证明自己到英国只是短期访问, 比如在国内的资产证明, 在国内还有配偶或者小孩等等.
To Whom it may concern:
Regarding: Name of visitor(s), their date of birth, nationality
I am writing to confirm that (name of visitor(s)) is my (friend, father, mother, grandparent) and I would like to invite him/her/them to visit me in (city name) from (date) until (date). The purpose of their visit is (for a short holiday/to attend my graduation ceremony).
I a student at the (university name). I have enclosed a letter which confirms that I am studying (course title). I am due to complete my course in (month/year) and will then graduate in (mid July/mid December)
(如果被邀请人在英期间的费用是由邀请人承担, 那就要加上下面这段)
I confirm that I am fully funded by (self funded/my parents/name of sp##被过滤##or) and I receive (pound;**** each month/year). I have enclosed evidence (you will need to include your three months original bank statements/if you have a sp##被过滤##or then also evidence to confirm this) of this and wish to state that I will be supporting (name of visitor(s)) during their stay in the UK.
(如果被邀请人在英国期间的住宿由邀请人负责, 那就要加上下面这段)
I confirm that (name of visitor(s)) will be staying with me at my house in (city name) during their stay. I have enclosed evidence of my accommodation (you will need to include your contract and letter from landlord/agent) and my address is:
Write down your address
(如果被邀请人在英国期间住宾馆或者单独租房, 则要在上述那段写明并且提供预定确认信或者租房合同作为证明)
I would be very grateful if you would approve request for a UK visa so that(he/she/they) can visit me. I hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find enclosed the following evidence:
1, Letter from university confirming my registration.
2, A copy of my passport and current student visa
3, A copy of my Police Registration Certificate
4, My financial evidence (如果在英费用由邀请人提供)
5, Evidence of my accommodation (如果需要为其提供住宿)
Yours faithfully
(Print name, student ID number)
(Address) |