敝人的未婚妻在不久之後將完成學業返回台灣, 部份生活用品因為不再使用而希望賣給有需要的人, 如果您有需要, 請和我連絡, 或者您的朋友可能需要, 您也可以將這封信轉寄給朋友, 謝謝您, 有興趣者請回mail給我:FreeMan01234567@Pchome.Com.Tw, FreeMan01234567@GMail.Com,謝謝! !
Alan Chen.英國手機: 0796-491-6958
交貨地點 ondon Hendon Central Tube Station(不必出站, 直接點交付款, 省一趟車資)
Argos閱讀用省電檯燈, Large Silver Energy Saving Desk Lamp.
Argos Model Number:431/0837 (http://www.argos.co.uk/)
Compact silver finish fluorescent lamp with fully adjustable head.
Spring tension arms and a weighted base. (並附桌緣固定夾,可夾於桌邊)
Saves up to 70% energy compared to a normal bulb and lasts up to 8 times longer.
Head on/off switch.
Height 53cm, Width 70cm.
1 x 11 watt energy saving PL tube bulb (supplied).
Equivalent to a 75 watt normal bulb.
電源規格:英國電源接頭, 適用於英國, 電源線長200cm.
使用狀況:很少用, 功能良好, 無任何生鏽處.
Nokia 7373 行動電話(附充電器, 耳機組, 電池, 原廠吊飾及小布套)
Please check detail from the web site of Nokia:
Key Features
.Stylish swivel design with elaborate, tooled surfaces and embossed finishing.
.Integrated 2 megapixel camera with 8x digital zoom and video recorder
.Nokia Xpress Audio Messaging function
.Bluetooth enabled for hassle-free, wireless connectivity
.Music player with twin stereo speakers and up to 2 GB storage capability
.Stereo widening technology
Operating Frequency
.GSM Triband 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
.Volume: 75 cc, Weight: 104 g, Length: 88 mm, Width: 43 mm, Thickness: 23 mm
電源規格:英國電源接頭, 適用於英國.
使用狀況:使用一年, 功能良好.
拍賣價: 7Pounds.
尺寸: 186cm長 x 137cm寬x 5cm厚.
使用狀況:使用一年, 柔軟保暖.