5.1 Have you ever travelled outside your country of residence, including to the uk, in the last 10 years?
这个要求填写细节,那Date是需要填写从哪天到哪天为止,还是只用填入境时间?我是曾经当访问学生去的英国,Purpose 就填study可以吗?
5.3 Have you been granted a UK visa in the last 10 years?
这个Date是填签证上的起止日期还是填从哪天开始?Reference Number是哪一个?是签证右上角的那个吗?填写指导里说是123456X的形式,可是我找不到...还有,应该在哪儿说明我用过这个签证?
6.1.35 Do they have any savings or other readily available money e.g. income from stocks and shares? Please provide details.
非常感谢!! |