9月10日,二签,12:30,嘉里中心。ROOM 11
V: sit down.
M: thank you!
V: are you feel well enough to be interviewed?
M: yes, please.
V: what are you going to do in the uk?
M: study for one year's master of science in electronic business management in the university of warwick.
V: does china has no this course?
M: china has, but most universities only provide the e-business course in undergraduate level but not postgraduate level. i can provide the certificates(准备拿出我在网上找的证据).
V: (好像对我的解释满意了,而不再需要什么证据) no, you needn't. when did you graduate?
M: in 1993, oh, no no no, in 1997.
V: what qualification do you have?
M: university graduation diploma.(没问我为什么没有学士学位).
V: what major?
M: international trade.
V: tell me your recent job.
M: since Aug.2000, i has been working in XXX company.....
V: ok, i know that. since e-business is different from international trade, why do you want to change course?
M: the course i will study will combine IT, business and management together, and this integration will provide me more comprehensive skills and make me keep competetive in the fields of business and management.
V: (摇头,显然是不满意) i ask you why you want to change the course?
M: (赶紧) e-business is the tendency of international trade. in the future, most international trade will rely on e-business support, and........
V: (点头,显然是满意了) ok. who will pay for you?
M: my parents and myself.
V: may i see your deposits?
M: ok(我交出了我的存单,她仔细看后还给我).
V: what's your income?
M: annual income?
V: yes.
M: about RMB XXXXX yuan.
V: what you parents doing now?
M: my father is a vice-director chinese doctor, and he is running a clinic and is the legal representative and pricipal of the clinic. my mother deals with financial matters in the clinic.
V: what is your father's annual income?
M: about 220,000 yuan.(有父亲的诊所收入20万,还有退休金2万).
V: how many people are there in the clinic?
M: 4 people. apart from my parents, there are two employed doctors.
V: what is the income of your father's business each year?
M: about 250,000 yuan.(可能我理解错了.她问的是营业额, 我答的是诊所全年的净利润,除了我父亲得的20万,另两个受雇医生共得5万).
V: how to do the business?
M: ...cure the patients......
V: (皱眉,显然不满意)
M: i an explain and supply additional documents to you.(包括税单等)
V: No, wait outside.
V: you are refused.
M: thank you!
However, i am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet the requirements of paragragh 57, in particular:
you are able to meet the costs of the course and maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to employment or public funds.
The cost of your tuition, maintenance and accommodation is to be borne by your parents. you have stated that the income of your father's business is around 250,000 RMB per year and that your father takes a salary of 220,000 RMB. I do not find it credible that your father's income would be this high taking into account the business' turnover and i am therefore not satisfied that your father's income has not been inflated for the purpose of this application and that sufficient funds will be available for you study in the uk.
----现在有个问题,就是我能否去三签,也就是说我是否有资格去三签? (因为VO在拒签信里提到了Credible和inflated这两个词),这和假材料无关吧!请各位出出主意!
----还有就是MY FATHER‘S BUSINESS 是营业额而不是收入吧!如果这样,我就误解VO了,再签解释是否可以?