Q:What do you want to do in UK
A:Study for my master's degree on TESOL
Q:On what? (居然不知道我学的是什么)
A:It is Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Q:Okok, how long is the course?
A ne year.
Q:What is your current job?
A:My job is Assistant teacher in international school.
Q:How long have you been working?
A:7 years.
Q:How much is your tuition fee?
A:7500 pounds
Q:How much you prepare for your study? who pay for the study.
A:260000 RMB myself and my parents
Q:How much is yours and how much is your parents’?
A:100000 from myself and 160000 from my parents
Q:how much is your salary?
A:2700rmb per month
Q:OK, what is your major in college?
Q:what do you want to do after that?
A: teach english in university or work for a good language school
Q:how much do you get for your new job?
A:3000-4000 rmb at least(我哪里会知道我将来能挣多少钱?)
Q nly that much? OK ,please wait ouside for a minute.
Your proposed course of study is unrea;istic because it is inc##被过滤##istent with your previous pattern of study and employment. You have failed to undertake any studies since 1996. Such a lack of commitment ot your sutdies is not c##被过滤##istent with a genuine student who wishes to improve themselves as you claim.
You have been unable to satisfactorily explain how your course will be of benefit to you or enchance your future prospects. Your current economic circumstances and advantages you might derive from this course of study.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-22 20:27:23编辑过]