二手书大甩卖 Big Sale!
1. Textbooks for MSc students of laceName w:st="on">DurhamlaceName> laceName w:st="on">BusinesslaceName> laceType w:st="on">SchoollaceType>
Basic Econometrics, 中文第四版, by Gujarati DN
International Economics: theory and policy, 6th edition, by
Krugman PR and Obstfeld M (textbook for MSc in Corporate and
International Finance and MSc in International Banking and
Macroeconomics, 3rd edition, by Blanchard O (textbook for MSc in
Finance and Economics)
Introductory Econometrics: a modern approach, 2nd edition, by
Wooldridge JM (suggest reading for Ecomometrics)
Macroeconomic Theory, By Mas-Colell A (textbook for MSc in Finance
and Economics)
E-mail: blackhawkdown-001@hotmail.com
2. Textbooks for MA students of Durham Business School
Management and Organisational Behaviour, 5th edition, by Mullins LJ
HP 打印机一台。
HP Printer, for sale!
15 pounds only!
E-mail: blackhawkdown-001@hotmail.com
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-9 15:28:33编辑过]