书: Management: Stratgic Management - 2 pounds
Strategic Market Management - 2 pounds
Strategic Management Cases Studys - 3 pounds
Global Marketing Management - 3 pounds
Financial Accounting and Reporting (4th edition) - 3 pounds
Exchange Rates and Interational Finance - 8 pounds
Running Linux (O'Relly) - 8 pounds
Perl 语言入门(中文) - 3 pounds
Modern Compiler implementation in Java (2nd edition) - 10 pounds
How to Program C++ - 10 pounds
Guide to applying the UML - 4 pounds
Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in JAVA - 8 pounds
Introduction to Programming Using Java - 5 pounds
哈利伯特英版书 - 要得1本 2 pounds Oxford Dictionary (英文)- 看着给得了 The Da Vinci Code (台版) - 5 pounds (估计没人要 :> )
JVC大耳机 - 5 pounds
手拉行李箱两个 - 各20pounds (保证能放)
吉他 - 20 pounds 送包+调琴笛子
GameBoy Advance sp - 25 pounds (送9个正版游戏+充电器)
哈利伯特英版书 - 要得1本 2 pounds
游戏手柄 - 5 pounds
手机 sharp GX30 1MG Pixels (送vodafone卡,相片效果好)- 40
3个书包,1个挎包,各5 pounds
Southampton University Calculator - 4 pounds
吹风机(小) 5 pounds 熨斗 (小) 5 pounds 一些插线板 小的2pounds, 大的5pounds, 可以送转换插头
镜子 (手掌大小) 打游戏的 方向盘 无数学习用的notes夹子 两个小的sony的speaker 录音笔
目前就这些,要走的时候我还要处理些别的咚咚, 希望大家联系我: 07766107682 or tong_234@hotmail.com, 部分价钱可以商量
Happy Shopping [em01]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-18 23:39:28编辑过]