There are a part time and a full time jobs available now. You will work as a kitchen staff in a chinese restaurant and your main resp##被过滤##ibility is to wash dishes.
The salary is fine. As a part time staff, the salary is 40 pounds per night (usually from 6pm to 12:30pm) on Friday and Saturday. You will have two delicious meals per day and the boss will send you home when you finish one day's work.
As a full time staff, the salary is 200 pounds per week (6 days) and the working time is from 11am to 12 pm (you will have two hours' rest). It is a easy job at the working days and you will be busy only at the weekend.
If you have interest, pls call 07767736293 directly. Sorry for bothering others.
washing dishes is a very very very tough job. i did it once,and i gave up,it was terrible,absolutely terrible. there are thousands of dishes for you to wash.