Books for Economics
1. Economics David Begg, 7th ed. + The complementary Work book (Just Like New)
Required text book for ECON 101
Bought for ₤41.99, NOW only for ₤22.00
Books for Accounting and Finance
1. Principles of Financial Accounting Ian Gillespie, Richard Lewis, Kay Hamilton 2nd ed
Now only for ₤15.00
2. ‘Financial Accounting: a global approach’ Gray, S.J. and Needles, B.E. (1999), , Houghton Mifflin 0395839866.
Photocopied version (the whole text book + Index)
Plus the Study Pack
Required book for ACF 111/261
Only for ₤5. 50
Books for Marketing
1. Principles of Marketing Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, John Saunders, Veronica Wong
3rd European Edition (Just Like New)
Required book for MKTG 101
Bought for ₤40, NOW only for ₤ 23. 00
2. Qualitative market research: A comprehensive guide McGivern, Y. (2003) The Practice of Market and Social Research: An Introduction. Pearson Educati##被过滤##: Es##被过滤##. Mariampolski, Hy (2001).
Required text book for MKTG 210
Photocopied Version, only for ₤ 5. 00
3. Strategy: Process, Contect, Context An international perspective Bob De Wit and Ron Meyer 3rd ed (New)
Required Text book for MKTG 301
Bought for ₤40, NOW only for ₤35.00
Books for Entrepreneurship
1. ENTR 207 Reading Pack,
Bought for ₤ 8, now only for ₤3.00