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Financial Times 2006 Rank - global business school

发表于 2006-2-1 08:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Financial Times 2006 Rank - global business school! I n addition, MBS ranked as 22 in 2006!Manchester Business School is World 22 in New Financial Times Ranking

30 January 2006

Manchester Business School is ranked as the 22nd business school in the world in the Financial Times today (Monday 30 January). The survey places the School third in the UK and seventh in Europe in its annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes. It is a big step up for the School, which was placed 44th in the world last year.

The school is particularly strong on the international experience of its programme, ranked sixth in the world and first in the UK. This criterion looks at the opportunity students have to gain international exposure through teaching, case studies and international projects. The International Business Project is the capstone course of the Manchester MBA programme.

Manchester Business School is fourth in Europe for percentage salary increase for its graduates, and is again first in the UK on this ranking. The School's doctoral programme was ranked ninth in the world. This factor c##被过滤##iders the number of students graduating with doctoral degrees, with extra weight given to those who go on to work in the top 50 business schools.

Professor John Arnold, director of Manchester Business School said:

'We’re very proud of this result. We have scored highly - world top 20 - in a number of career-based measures as well, which is good news as it is obviously a key reason why people undertake an MBA. We have been following a programme of continuous improvement for a number of years – seeking students with the right combination of outstanding academic ability and high quality work experience, and offering them in return a top class learning experience and a high level of support services, particularly with regard to career management services, where we have invested heavily in the last few years. I see this result as confirmation that our efforts are paying off.'

The latest Financial Times MBA ranking is the first to c##被过滤##ider the new, larger Manchester Business School, since the merger of The Victoria University of Manchester with UMIST in 2004.

Manchester Business School is one of the UK and Europe's top business schools. It is dedicated to a practical and internationally-focused approach to learning, to develop the business leaders of the future.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-1 0:21:07编辑过]
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发表于 2006-3-29 19:35 | 只看该作者




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