vo:would you please close the door?
vo:close the door
vo:i will ask you some questi##被过滤## in english.if you can't understand, you can ask me pardon or i can speak in specific english,ok?(从这以后他果然用标准清晰的如同新概念英语第二册磁带上一样的发音同我交谈)
vo:Why do you go to the UK?
vo:how long?
me:about one year.
vo:which subject?
me:MSc in ~~
vo:what's your degree?
me :BA
vo:which subject?
vo o you fully understand why you are refused visa the first time?
me:yes.that my first time to apply for a visa ,when the vo ask me to provide the
history resource of my deposit sheet,I don't know what is the resource then the
material i provided didn't satisfy the vo.
vo:what course will you study?
me:it has 6 cour modules and 2 specialists optional modulds.
vo:can you tell me the 6 modules....
it's not 6 modules,it's....
vo:(打断我)I know,6 cour modules and 2 specialists optional modulds,right?well, tell
me it is all that you can do to pass these modules?
me:(窃喜,不问我的课程了)no,after i pass these course succesfully,i should write
a dessertation to achieve my degree.
vo: 点头。
vo:how much money?
me:about,about sev-seven(不知道为什么,背过好几遍的数字就是说不出来了)
vo:would you like to write it down?(给我纸和笔)
me 吃惊他会这么好,都有点感激涕零了,写下来还给他)thank you.
vo:why do you prepare so much mony?
me 我准备近一百万的存款,实际只需要不到30万)My father don't want me to work
and wish I can spare all the time study.He also don't want me to live too hard
when I study alone aboard.(突出alone 和broard).It also including the part of
money that in case of emergency whe I'm alone aboard.
vo:点头.Can you see this?(他竟然把从老爸收入证明上看到的一个网站的页面打印出来
了,上面有老爸公司近期在做的一个项目介绍)Can you tell me why on this web
site only introduce this building but not your father's company?
me:It's a kind of advertisemnet to sell the building.I konw it is still inc##被过滤##truction not
vo:and why the telephone number on this web is not the same one on your father's
income certification?
me:I think a company has a lot of telephone numers.The one on the web site maybe
used in the marketing department to sell the building.
vo:Yes,a company has a lot of telephone.(挠挠头,觉得自己问的很傻)Then,show
me your academec degree and graduate certifacation.your deposite sheet.(拿在
vo:you can come back at 3 pm........ok?
me:thank you.出门。
奇怪我一点高兴的感觉都没有,以至于出来门的时候,有两个mm很小心翼翼的问我有没有过,我说过了,她们还很不相信的样子。走出来的时候发现大厅已经戒严了,星巴克的人都被赶走了,到处都拉了很多黄色的条子。出来又看到一堆人被栏在黄条子的里面。听到有人叫“战争贩子来了“。随即看到车队,才知道是不莱尔来了,怪不 |