6.8。Do you recieve income from any other source inculding friends or family?(如果我是工作的,但是学费需要家人赞助)我的答案是:receive income from my family(这么填写对么) 9.2。course title,qualification and duration(这个qualification是指去读本科还是研究生么。如果有半年的实习,应该也算在DURATION里吧) 9.4 Please give any conditi##被过滤## the institution has placed on accepting you(学校的CON-OFFER说我通过了PRE-MASTER,才能上MSC。我是不是就填写这个呢?会不会影响顺利签过?) 9。8 Please provide full details of any qualification in English you have, including test results(是不是把IELTS成绩写上去?我是英语专业,把学位写上成吧。还有TEST RESULTS我把中文原件和英文翻译件都附在申请表后可以么?不必把所有的成绩都写在表上吧?也写不下啊) 9.9 Please give detail of all the educational qualificati##被过滤## that you hold(you do not need to repeat any listed above). Please indicate those which are relevant to the course you wish to study in the UK.(这问题我比较头痛,我申请的旅游和饭店管理专业不要求申请者必须具备相关专业学历,所以各位指点一下我应该如何回答呢?受教育的qualification从什么时候写起?从小学么?) 9.12 if you are being sp##被过滤##ored by someone else, please give their name & address, their relati##被过滤##hip to you; details of their finances(当然是自己拿一部分,然后家长贴补一大部分了。这也算sp##被过滤##ored by someone else?我父母已经退休了,怎么说明他们的DETAILS OF THEIR FINANCES呢) SECTION 10-other infomation(is there any other information you wish to give about your application) 这部分怎么填写?是不是就是把STUDY PLAN放在这儿呢。 我是FIRST TIME申请VISA,不懂的东东拜托大家多多帮忙了。谢谢! |