birmingham 的money ,banking and finance
Semester 1
Macroeconomics (20) ...
Econometrics with Financial Applicati##被过滤## (20) ...
International Banking and Finance (20)
Topics in Money and Banking (10)
Risk, Uncertainty and Information (10)
Macroeconomics (10)
Econometrics with Financial Applicati##被过滤## (10)
Economics of Financial Markets (20)
与edingburgh 的Financial Mathematics
Term 1
Stochastic Processes I
Statistical Methods
Financial Markets
Mathematical Programming
Derivatives Markets
Term 2
Stochastic processes II
Numerical Techniques for PDEs
Derivative Pricing and Financial Modelling
Modern Portfolio Theory
Financial Econometrics
Time Series Analysis
是的,这是EDINGBURGH和HERIOT-WATT的JOINT 项目,我也很担心他的学位问题,网上写的是you will receive a certificate which will state clearly that the degree is being awarded by both the university of edingburgh and heriot-watt university, 而且有三分之二的课是由heriot-watt的老师教的,这样回国找工作是不是会受影响?[em58]这两个offer都不是很理想
学校回信说“The degree is issued by Heriot Watt University at our graduation
ceremony and only has Heriot Watt crest on (是什么意思)it. However, the wording on the
certificate includes 'awarded jointly by the University of Edinburgh and Heriot
Watt University' so both instituti##被过滤## are mentioned on the degree