本帖最后由 锦琴音瑟 于 2014-11-4 14:55 编辑
29号递的申请,30号凌晨就收到拒信,各种打击。。。各种不解,感觉连材料都没看完,本人双非二本新闻学专业,申的是媒体与公共关系(Media and Public Relations MA )均分81.24,雅思6,一年相关工作经验,有论文作品,这是第一个学校就秒拒,弄的别的学校好没信心,总感觉不应该丫。。。
“We regret to inform you that after careful consideration of all the circumstances, the University is unable to accept your application to study for the above degree because you have not met the academic qualifications required.
If you require further clarification on this decision, please contact us...
We hope that you are successful in applying elsewhere.”
这是原文,中介说是因为学术水平不能达到要求,也就是说均分不够,学校背景不好的意思,可是申请要求是80-85分,我也没有跨专业。。。我本科学校300+的排名,所以各种困惑,想argue试试,有木有大神或有经验的给个建议,觉得好不甘心,我这种情况argue的话有希望么。。。 |