内部结构:一个house,3个卧室,一楼2间卧室,1个公用卫生间/洗浴 ,2楼一个卧室带独立卫生间/洗浴, 厨房比较大,外带一个阳台。
离学校走路3分钟,出门对面就是一个小酒吧, 附近也有很多外卖店和餐馆,以及理发店,按摩店和小型超市。走路15分钟到 tesco(镇上最大的超市)
地址; harvest road 96. 周边比较安静,环境也很好。
价格:1500/3人 每月(不含水电费),比学生宿舍便宜
three double bedroom, two bathroom detached chalet bungalow. The property comprises large kitchen/diner, lounge, two bedrooms and bathroom on the ground floor, and a further bedroom with en-suite bathroom on the first floor. Further benefits include gas central heating and double glazing throughout, private rear garden and off street parking for three cars to the front.
招两名爱干净的室友, 女生佳。2014年9月入住 欢迎各位咨询,联系方式 qq/微信: 3301306 加的时候请注明:租房