本帖最后由 三小姐 于 2013-8-29 19:58 编辑
硕士AF书籍和资料一套 打包50磅, 具体价格可商议 联系QQ:502778288
1. Financial accounting and reporting (12th) 作者:Elliott and Elliott 【Financial accounting 1&2 所需教材】 5镑
2. International financial reporting and analysis (4th ) 作者Alexander, Britton and Jorissen 【Financial accounting 1&2 所需教材】15镑
3. Principles of corporate finance (10th) 作者:Brealey Myers Allen 【Corporate finance 所需教材】15镑
4. Management and cost accounting (7th) 作者:Drury 【Management accounting 1 所需教材】15镑 另有课后习题答案集售价5镑以内
5. Issues in management accounting (3rd) Hopper Northcott Scapens 售价:10镑 【Management accounting 2 所需教材】
6. Comparative international accounting (9th) 作者:Christopher Nobes and Robert Parker 售价:5镑 【International accounting and taxation 所需教材】