Material Checklist
Passport No. __________ Name ___________ Telegraph Code ______________
护照号 姓名 电码
Part I Main Documents for Visa Application 签证基本材料
1. Passport & passport sized photos 护照及3张护照照片
2. Visa Application Form 签证申请表
3. Offer issued by ** University 英国某某大学##被过滤##
4. ** University Website pages indicating Tuition Fee and Living Expenses 某某大学学费和生活费相关网页
5. IELTS certificate IELTS 成绩单
6. Graduation Certificate 大学##被过滤##
7. Bachelor Degree Certificate 学士##被过滤##
8. Transcripts 大学在校成绩单
Part II Financial Supporting Documents 经济担保能力证明文件
1. Letter of Supporting signed by parents 父母担保信
2. Original Two Banks Books 两本银行存折
3. Employment and Income Certificate of Father 父亲工作及收入证明
3-1 Certificate of Shareholder’s Year-end dividend in Year 2003 2003年度分红证明
3-2 Business License 营业执照
3-3 股权证明
3-4 Balance Sheet 资产负债表
3-5 Profit & Loss Statement 损益表
3-6 Taxation Bills 税单
4. Employment and Income Certificate of Mother 母亲工作及收入证明
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