I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet the requirments of paragraph 57, in paticular:
You are able to meet the costs of the course and maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to employment or public funds.
I have serious doubts over the authenticity of the documents produced in support of your parents' employment/salary. Furthermore, your reliance upon such a document reduces the credibility of your application as a whole and casts serious doubts upon your intenti##被过滤## to follow the proposed course.
The cost of your tuition, maintenance and accommodation is to be borne by your parents. Funding your education will impose an additional financial burden on them and based on the evidence you have provided today I am not satisfied that this increased financial outlay is commensurate with their current economic circumstances or that these funds will actually be available to you in the United Kingdom. Therefore I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you would be able to meet the cost of your course, your maintenance financial implicati##被过滤## of your application I am not satisfied that you intend to study in UK.
请问各位:这种情况下,2000的话是不是不能对他们的收入证明等材料做出改动?他这种"serious doubts"会不会记录下来了呢?那我应该怎么办呢?