首先谢谢斑竹JJ,我的资金如下:据签的理由是( in particular: you are able and intend to follow the course . you are able to meet the costs of the course and maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to employment or public funds. BECAUSE: .....................下面大意是资金存期不够,没有提供充足的资金来源证据) 1 RMB 35,000.00 27/7/2002 2 RMB 56,000.00 3/3/2004 3 RMB 13,000.00 13/8/2003 4 RMB 55,000.00 8/8/2002 5 RMB 60,000.00 13/8/2003 6 RMB 16,000.00 19/4/2003 7 RMB 280,000.00 15/11/2003 (有卖房协议书但没翻译就交了,并且我特别说明了来源) 8 RMB 164,280.60 13/7/2004(这是刚存的,也是卖房所得但没有文件无法解释,2签我想去掉这笔资金) 9 RMB 14,409.92 10/7/2004(父亲的活期工资本,刚开始用) total: RMB 693,725.52 我申请的学校sheffield总费用只要29万。 我已经写了给vo的解释信,还是没信心,麻烦斑竹和各位xdjm给看看,给点建议。  |