招银证券公司 China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd (记住,招商银行是China Merchants Bank)
保证金取款申请表 guaranteed money WITHDRAWAL application form 保证金存入凭单 (上面盖的章是不是也要翻译在表格下面) guaranteed money DEPOSIT RECEIPT 储蓄取款回单 SAVINGS WITHDRAWAL RECEIPT 股东代码卡 ( PIN code and shareholder card ) 工作证 ( Employee’s card) 股票对帐单 (stock exchange statement ) 储证 (???) 转入金额(AMOUNT TRANSFERRED INTO) 市值(MARKET VALUE) 说明,1 此证只限本人使用,不得转借他人。如有遗失及时报告,查明情况方能补发。 (This card is restricted to the use by cardholder,can not be lent to others. Notify promptly if lost and can only be reissued upon clarifying the situation) 国通证券有限责任公司 (Guotong SECURITIES CO., LTD) 像中海发展,深振业 ,公用科技,这些证券名称,是不是写拼音就ok了。YES. |