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Materials Catalog (申请签证材料目录)

发表于 2004-6-28 01:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Materials Catalog (申请签证材料目录)

“√” represents new materials(代表新材料)

Part1 Materials of applicant(申请人材料)

1. Letter to Visa Officer of British Embassy (给签证官的信) √

2. Passport(护照)

3. Permanent Residence Booklet(户口本)

4. Offer of Plymouth University language school(普利茅斯大学暑期语言学校##被过滤##)√

(2 Months English Summer School Course)

5. Offer of Plymouth University(普利茅斯大学硕士研究生##被过滤##)√

(1Year MSc. of Business and Management)

6. My personal statement and study plan(我的个人简介和学习计划)

7. Report of IELTS score(雅思成绩单)√

8. Report of English Language Test of University of Plymouth(普利茅斯大学英语考试成绩单)√

9. Receipt of 1,000 pounds commitment fee(1000英镑保证金收据)√

10. Certificate of my bachelor degree(学士##被过滤##)

11. Certificate of my undergraduate diploma(大学本科##被过滤##)

12. Scores report of South China Normal University(华南师大本科成绩单)

Part2 Materials of applicant’s guarantors(担保人材料)

13. Working and income certificate of my father(父亲的在职及收入证明)

14. Working and income certificate of my mother(母亲的在职及收入证明)

15. Economy guarantee letter of my Parents(父母的经济担保信)

16. Bankbooks of my mother(母亲的存折2本)

(Addition: receipt of interest)(附上利息单)

17. Certificate of my mother’s deposit by bank(银行存款证明)√

18. Deposit receipts of my mother(母亲的存单)

19. Certificates of my mother’s deposit by bank(银行存款证明)√

20. Deposit receipts of my father(父亲的存单)

21. Certificates of my father’s deposit by bank(银行存款证明)√

22. Budget of Study and Living in UK (在英国费用预算表)√

23. Guide of deposit (银行存款指引) √

Part3 Additional Materials (辅助性材料)

24. Certificate of my parent’s professional job title(父母的职称证)√

25. Certificate of house(房产证)

26. Certificate of private car(私人轿车证明)

27. Certificates of Merit(奖状)

28. English Training Cards (英语培训班学习证) √

29. My driving license(驾驶执照)√

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发表于 2004-6-28 06:17 | 只看该作者


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