
楼主 |
发表于 2011-12-21 17:04
zhaoyangwww 发表于 2011-12-14 08:55
如果撇开专业,那么建议选择爱丁堡。不管是世界排名还是UK排名,爱丁堡都很高。如果说专业,我觉得还是选 ...
诸多对比觉得Financial economics学的东东还是不错滴。。。官方原话看的我很激动啊。。
Career prospects
This programme provides graduates with a strong foundation for PhD research and the toolkit to gain employment in a wide range of spheres. We expect graduates from this programme will gain employment in financial institutions, including banks, investment banks and asset management firms and government organisations, involved in financial decision-making.
The programme also offers candidates a suitable grounding for working in international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank and is appropriate for those wishing to work in academia. In particular, graduates are suitable for working in international organisations involved in financial transactions and provision of finance. |