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[其他] studentjaywu银行术语之二

发表于 2011-9-7 15:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Account Number - A unique number assigned by a financialinstitution to a customer. On a credit card, this number is embossed andencoded on the plastic card.
Additional Cardholder - When you have a credit card, it isoften possible to add an additional card to the account for use by someoneelse. The main cardholder holds responsibility for ensuring payments on theadditional card are made. Purchases are shown on the credit card statement,which is sent monthly.
American Express - Also known as AMEX, this company is oneof the main international credit card issuing schemes. It issues its own creditcards—unlike Visa and MasterCard—and is responsible for its own relationshipswith retailers.
Annual Fee- An annual (yearly) fee associated with having acredit card. This is a separate fee from interest rate on purchases.
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)- The yearly percentage ratecharged when a balance is held on a credit card. This rate is applied eachmonth that an outstanding balance is present.
Approval Response - An authorization response that isreceived when a transaction is approved.
ATM - Automated Teller Machines or cash points allow you toaccess cash with a credit card or other card associated with your bank account.You need to enter your personal identification number (PIN) into the machine toaccess cash.
Authentication - The process of assuring that data has comefrom its claimed source, or a process of corroborating the claimed identity ofa communicating party.
Authorization - Every retailer has a purchase limit abovewhich they must seek authorization from the card issuer before they cancomplete the sale. Such authorization can be done by telephone orelectronically at the cash till. Authorization is used to control credit cardfraud. The cardholder’s available credit limit is reduced by the authorizedamount.
Authorization Amount - Currency amount approved.
Authorization Code - A code that an issuer or itsauthorizing processor provides to indicate approval or denial for anauthorization request.
Authorization Date - Date and time when the transaction wasauthorized.
Authorization Only - A transaction that is created to reservean amount against a credit card’s available limit for intended purchases; theactual settlement may occur within three to five days, depending on the cardtype.
Authorized Amount - Currency amount approved.
Authorized Transaction - Transaction that has beenapproved.
Balance Transfer - When the outstanding balance of onecredit card (or several credit cards) is moved to another credit card account.
Balance Transfer Fee - A fee charged by a credit cardcompany to transfer a balance from one account to another. This fee can beanywhere from 1%-5% of the balance amount. However, many credit card companiesdo not charge this fee. Contact the credit card issuer for their specific fees.
Bad Credit - A term used to describe a poor credit rating.Common practices that can damage a credit rating include making late payments,skipping payments, exceeding card limits or declaring bankruptcy. “Bad Credit”can result in being denied future credit.
Bank Account - Bank account number for the merchant towhich funds will be deposited.
Bank Identification Number (BIN) - The first six digits ofa Visa or MasterCard account number. This number is used to identify thecard-issuing institution.
Bankcard - A payment card issued by a bank.
Billing Cycle - The time between billing statements,usually 28-31 days.
Business Card (Business Credit Card) - Usually issued tocorporate executives or business owners in order to more easily keep businessexpenses separate from personal charges.
Card Issuer - Any association member financial institution,bank, credit union, or company that issues, or causes to be issued, plasticcards to cardholders.
Card Reader - A device that is capable of reading theencoding on plastic cards.
Cardholder - An individual to whom a card is issued, or whois authorized to use an issued card.
Cash Advance - A cash loan from a credit card using an ATMor bank withdrawal.
Cash Back - Cash back returns to you a percentage of thetotal amount spent on your credit card over a specific period of time, usuallymonthly or quarterly. This feature is particularly useful if you normally payyour credit card bills in full each month, as it means you get an effectivediscount on the products bought with your credit card.
Chargeback - A transaction returned through interchange byan issuer to an acquirer. A transaction may be returned because of it wasnon-compliant with the association rules and regulations or because it wasdisputed by a cardholder.
Chargeback Period - The number of days from thetransaction’s processing date or endorsement date, during which the issuer mayinitiate a chargeback.
Co-Branded Card - A co-branded credit card is sponsored byboth the issuing bank and a retail organization, such as a department store oran airline. Cardholders may get benefits, such as discounts or freemerchandise, from the sponsoring merchant, based on account usage and terms.
Commercial Cards - A general name for cards typicallyissued for business use and which may include Corporate Cards, Purchase Cards,Business Cards, Travel and Entertainment Cards.
Credit Card Number - Unique number assigned to a creditcard.
Credit Limit - How much total money can be charged to acredit card account, for example $5,000.
Credit History - A partial profile of your financial life,given within a particular timeframe (usually measured in years). Your credithistory shows the extent to which you pay your bills on time and how much youmay owe particular parties. Credit card issuers use this information to decidewhether to provide customers with credit cards.
Debit - A charge to a customer’s bankcard account. Atransaction, such as a check, automated teller machine (ATM) withdrawal orpoint-of-sale (POS) debit purchase that debits a demand deposit account.
Expired Card - A card on which the embossed, encoded orprinted expiration date has passed.
Finance Charge - Fees and other costs billed to you on yourstatement for using the credit cards (i.e., balance transfer fees, cash advancefees, late fees, overlimit fees, etc.).
Fixed Rate (or Fixed APR) -An annual percentage rate thatdoes not change throughout the year, unlike an introductory APR that changesafter a specific period of time.
Floor Limit - An amount that Visa and MasterCard haveestablished for single transactions at specific types of merchant outlets andbranches, above which authorization is required.
Fraudulent Transaction - A transaction unauthorized by thecardholder of a bankcard. Such transactions are categorized as lost, stolen,not received, issued on a fraudulent application, counterfeit, fraudulentprocessing of transactions, account takeover or other fraudulent conditions asdefined by the card company or the member company.
Fraudulent User - An individual who is not the cardholderor designee and who uses a card (or, in a mail/phone order or recurringtransaction, an account number) to obtain goods or services without thecardholder’s consent.
Grace Period - A period of time during which you areallowed to pay your credit card bill without being charged a finance and/or latefee. This period is usually 10-28 days.
Introductory Rate (or Intro APR) - A temporary, lowerannual percentage rate, after which the APR is raised.
Issuer - Any association member financial institution,bank, credit union or company that issues, or causes to be issued, plasticcards to cardholders.
Magnetic Stripe - A stripe of magnetic information that isaffixed to the back of a plastic credit or debit card. This stripe containscustomer and account information that is required to complete electronic financialtransactions. The physical and magnetic characteristics of this stripe arespecified in the International Organization for Standardization standards 7810,7811 and 7813.
Mail/Phone Order Merchant - A merchant that transactsbusiness by mail or phone.
Mail/Phone Order Transaction - A transaction where acardholder orders goods or services from a merchant by telephone, mail or othermeans of telecommunication, and where neither the card nor the cardholder ispresent at the merchant outlet.
MasterCard - MasterCard International Inc. and all of itssubsidiaries and affiliates.
MasterCard Acquirer - A member that signs a MasterCardmerchant agreement or disburses currency to a MasterCard cardholder in a cashdisbursement, and directly or indirectly enters the resulting transactionreceipt into interchange.
MasterCard Card - A card that bears the MasterCard symbol,enabling a MasterCard cardholder to obtain goods, services or cash from aMasterCard merchant or acquirer.
MasterCard Issuer - A member that issues MasterCard cards.
Merchant - An entity that contracts with merchant banks orISO’s to originate transactions.
Merchant Agreement - A written agreement between a merchantand a bank that contains their respective rights, duties and warranties, withrespect to acceptance of the bankcard and matters related to the bankcardactivity.
Merchant Bank - Bank that has a merchant agreement with amerchant to accept (acquire) deposits generated by bankcard transactions.
Minimum Payment - The lowest amount of money that you arerequired to pay on your credit card statement each month.
Online Financial Transaction - A transaction that isauthorized, cleared and settled in a single online message.
Overlimit - This refers to a cardholder account that hassurpassed its credit limit with a transaction (i.e., the cardholder’soutstanding balance is beyond his/her credit limit).
Overlimit Fee - A fee charged when your balance goes overyour credit limit.
Password - A sequence of characters that allows usersaccess to a system. Although they are supposed to be unique, experience hasshown that most people’s password choices are highly insecure. Humans tend tochoose short words, such as names, which are easy to guess.
Per Transaction Fees - Fees paid by the merchant to the merchantbank or other contracted party on a per-transaction basis.
PIN (Personal Identification Number) - A sequence of digitsused to verify the identity of the holder of a token. The PIN is a kind ofpassword.
Plastic (Card) - This is a generic term that is used toidentify any of the various cards issued to cardholders.
Point Of Sale (POS) - Location in a merchant establishmentat which the sale is consummated by payment for goods or services received.
Policy - An informal, generally natural language descriptionof desired system behavior. Policies may be defined for particularrequirements, such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, safety, etc.
Posting - The process of updating individual cardholderaccount balances to reflect merchandise sales, instant cash, cash advances,adjustments, payments and any other charges or credits.
Primary Account Number (PAN) - The number that is embossedand/or encoded on a plastic card that identifies the issuer and the particularcardholder account.
Prime Rate (or Prime Interest Rate) - The interest rate atwhich banks lend to their most creditworthy (prime) customers. The prime rateis known to change but not on a regular basis.
Processing Date - The date on which the transaction isprocessed by the acquiring bank.
Receipt - A hard copy document that records when atransaction took place at the point of sale. The receipt contains a descriptionof the transaction, which usually includes the date, the merchantname/location, the primary account number, the amount and the reference number.
Recurring Billing - Transactions for which a cardholdergrants permission to the merchant to periodically charge his account number forrecurring goods or services.
Reference Number - Number assigned to each monetarytransaction in a descriptive billing system. Each reference number is printedon the monthly statement to aid in retrieval of the document, should it bequestioned by the cardholder.
Refund – The creation of a credit to a cardholder account,usually as a result of a product return or to correct an error.
Retail Merchant - A merchant that provides goods and/orservices in the retail industry, but that is not a mail/phone merchant, arecurring services merchant or a T&E merchant.
Sales Draft - A paper record that evidences the purchase ofgoods or services by a cardholder.
Secured Credit Cards - Credit cards that require collateral(property, such as a house, car or deposit of money) for approval. Generally,secured credit cards are for people with no credit or poor credit who aretrying to build or rebuild their credit history.
Service Charge - A component of some finance charges, suchas the fee for triggering an overdraft checking account into use.
Settlement - The reporting of settlement amounts owed byone member to another, or to a card issuing concern, as a result of clearing.Settlement is the actual buying and selling of transactions between themerchants, processors and acquirers; along with the card-issuing entities.
Settlement Bank - A bank, including a correspondent orintermediary bank, that is both located in the country where a member’ssettlement currency is the local currency, and is authorized to executesettlement of interchange on behalf of the member or the member’s bank.
Smart Card - A plastic card containing a computer chip withmemory and CPU capabilities. Such a card may be used for identification or tostore information, financial amounts or other forms of data. Also called anintegrated circuit card or a chip card.
Standard Floor Limit - A floor limit that varies bymerchant type. This refers to a currency limit on transactions, above whichauthorization requests are required.
Statement - A written record prepared by a financialinstitution, usually once a month, listing all transactions for an account,including deposits, withdrawals, checks, electronic transfers, fees and othercharges, and interest credited or earned. The statement is usually mailed tothe customer.
Stored-value Card - A stored-value card is acredit-card-sized device that is implanted with a computer chip with storedmoney value. A reloadable stored-value card can be reused by transferring adollar value to it from an automated teller machine or other device. Adisposable card cannot be reloaded.
Transaction - (1) Any agreement between two or more partiesthat establishes a legal obligation. (2) The act of carrying out such anobligation. (3) All activities affecting a deposit account that are performedat the request of the account holder. (4) All events that cause some change inthe assets, liabilities or net worth of a business. (5) An action between acardholder and a merchant or a cardholder and a member that results in activityon the cardholder account.
Transaction Identifier - A unique 15-character value that VISA assigns to each transaction andreturns to the acquirer in the authorization response. VISA uses this value to maintain anaudit trail throughout the lifecycle of the transaction and all relatedtransactions, such as reversals, adjustments, confirmations and chargebacks.
Unsecured Credit Cards - Credit cards that are not securedby collateral. Customers qualify for such cards based on their credit history,their financial strength and their earnings potential.
User Authentication - Process of validating that a user iswho s/he represents her/himself to be.
Validation Code - A unique 4-character value that VISA includes as part of the CPS/ATMprogram in each authorization response. This code ensures that keyauthorization fields are preserved in the clearing or settlement record.
Variable Interest Rate - With variable-rate cards, the APRchanges when interest rates or other economic indicators change. Also known asa floating rate.
Visa - Visa International Service Association and all ofits subsidiaries and affiliates.
Visa Card - A card that bears the Visa symbol and whichenables a Visa cardholder to obtain goods, services or cash from a Visamerchant or acquirer.
Visa Issuer - A member that issues Visa Cards.
Visa Merchant - A merchant that displays the Visa symboland accepts all Visa cards.
Voice Authorization - An approval response that is obtainedthrough interactive communication between an issuer and an acquirer, theirauthorizing processors or stand-in processing or through telephone, facsimileor telex communications.
Void Transaction - A deletion of the transactioninformation.
Void(ed) - Nullifies a transaction that has been recordedfor settlement, but has not yet been settled. This removes the transaction fromthe batch of transactions to be settled.
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