需要Volunteers!!! 转发邮件:
Come along to the Colchester Free festival's Volunteers Meeting on
Wednesday 24th August.
We have 2 open sessions being hosted upstairs at the Slug and Lettuce
on the High Street. Session 1, for those who want to come straight
from work is at 6pm. Session 2 is at 8pm.
There remains a whole host of volunteering opportunities available at
Colchester Free Festival.
Volunteers are required for a minimum of two hours, so there's plenty
of time left for you to enjoy the festival too.
Do-ers - People who can help us set things up/take them down before
and/or after the festival.
Stewards - Programme Sellers - Bucket Shakers - it's a free festival
but we know people will want to contribute towards the cost of
running it.
Green Police - We love Castle Park, let's keep it nice and tidy
throughout the day.
Information Providers - Being helpful and pointing people in the
right direction.
HQ Staff - Working in Festival HQ and co-ordinating enquiries.
Festival Runners - working alongside the Festival Team making things happen.
We have a job for all :)
Training and/or briefing is provided for each role.
If you've already registered your interest please attend this meeting.
If you're able to attend the meeting or If you're not free on
Wednesday but would still like to volunteer please email
volunteers@colchesterfreef estival.co.uk
Thanks in advance for your support, volunteers are what makes this
festival happen.