读accounting and finance和finance的master过来看看啦:课程书单详细版 501:Quantitative Methods Statistics for business and economics (5th) 30磅 Financial Calculus( 501&605&701都有用,强烈推荐) 35磅 Quantitative methods for finance and investments 20磅 502:Foundati##被过滤## of Finance Finance (zvi bodie)带光盘 25磅 503:Principles of Financial Reporting Financial reporting and analysis (503和604都有用,推荐) 35磅
504: Financial Markets Investment (5th) 英文/中文(强烈推荐) 30磅/35磅 601:Advanced Corporate Finance Financial Theory and Corporate Policy (3th) 42磅 602:Advanced Investment Management Modern Portfolio theory and investment analysis (5th) 28磅 605:Derivative pricing Financial Calculus( 501&605&701都有用,强烈推荐) 35磅 608: Financial Market Fixed Income Securities (2th) 30磅 书都很新,另外每门课附送课堂上notes,讲义,大家可以参考amazon 上面的价格,谢绝还价。 如果一次全买,附送2年(去年,前年)考试试卷,加上你们自己会发下来的今年的试卷,3们卷子在手,考试不再有问题。 联系可以站内发信或留言在在这个帖子下面。电话:07879443017