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[埃克塞特] MSC Finance and Investment 必备教材甩卖

发表于 2011-5-26 18:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Term 1 有五门课 那都是必修的 以下我把每门课的教科书都列出来了  亲们自己看下
Financial InstrumentsFrank K. Reilly and Keith C. Brown, 2009 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th edition, South-Western这本书很实用 里面的知识点差不多涵盖了要读Master掌握的基本知识点

Financial Modelling
Benninga, S. (2008) Financial Modelling, 3rd edition, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
这本书也是必不可少,是教你怎么运用Excel来建立Portfolio的,而且在第二学期很多Group work中 和 Advanced corporative finance中也要用到这本书
Fundamentals of Financial ManagementBrigham, E., and J. Houston, 2010, Fundamentals of Financial Management (Custom Edition). South Western Cengage Learning.
这本是custom Edition的,所以只有学校有卖

Investment Analysis IK. Palepu, P. Healy, V. Bernard, and E. Peek (2007), Business Analysis and Valuation, IFRS edition (1st edition), text only; Cengage Learning Business Press.
Analysis I 是term1中挂科率比较高的一门,所以买了自己看下还是很有帮助的。 在Term 2中的 Investment Analysis 2 中这也是主要读物

Investment Research Methods IDeFusco, R.A., McLeavey, D.W., Pinto, J.E. and Runcle, D.E. (2001), Quantitative Investment Analysis, US: Association for Investment and Management Research.

以上五本书就是第一学期必修课的教材,可以说是第二学期的垫脚石吧,因为第二学期学的科目大大增高,所以同学们一定要脚踏实地的学好第一学期的 这样第二学期学起来会比较轻松点的

Term 2 是选修课,要求是 105个学分, 我选了7门, 每门15个学分

Advanced Corporate FinanceThe set text is a customised edition of Brigham & Houston’s ‘Intermediate Financial Management’. The text will be called ‘Corporate Finance’ and be available in the campus book shop for £32.
这门课是Fundamentals of Financial Management 的衍生版,内容更深了 但是我强烈推荐这门课 因为是英国老师教的 教的很好 能学到很多东西 思路很清晰 上她的课不会想要走神

Banking and Financial ServicesMishkin, F.S. (2010). Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets: Global Edition. 9th edition. Pearson Higher Education
这是讲Banking的,书上讲的比较详细 所以看你个人需要是不是要买这本书 不过这本书是我从国内带过来了 内容 作者一样 比其他书相对来说便宜些

Behavioural FinanceAckert, L. and Deaves, R. (2009) Behavioral Finance: Psychology, Decision-Making, and Markets, USA: Cengage LearningAckert, L. and Deaves, R. (2009) Behavioral Finance: Psychology, Decision-Making, and Markets, USA: Cengage Le
学校今年新开的一门课 个人觉得挺有意思的 有点像心里学 这本书内容挺深的 很有挑战性

Domestic and International Portfolio ManagementSolnik, B., and D. McLeavey, 2004, International Investments, 5th ed., AIMR, Addison Wesley
这门课其实看似也是挺基础的 我们都学过 但是最后考试的时候出乎意料 比较有点难度  这书也是我从国内带的

International Financial ManagementJ. Madura and R. Fox, (2007) International Corporate Finance, 8th ed. London:Thomson Learning
这门课不难 同时教科书 也是我从国内扛过来的 但是书的内容很好 能理解的更好

Investment Analysis IIK. Palepu, P. Healy, V. Bernard, and E. Peek (2007), Business Analysis and Valuation, IFRS edition (1st edition), text only; Cengage Learning Business Press.
同Analysis I 的读物一样

Portfolio Investment GameElton, E.J., Gruber, M.J., Brown, S.J. and Goetzman, W.N. (2011) Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, International Student Version, 8th edition, US: Wiley.
选这门课的同学 这本书必须得买 因为他其实是没有课的50%的成绩是考试 还有50%的成绩是一个group work 所以得靠自学 网上PPT也没

感兴趣的同学就赶紧的 多买多便宜了
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