Section 6 Your Finances and Employment Details
6.1 What is your present job? 应该写什么呢? 我已经毕业了没有工做。是写student还是N/A?
6.10 How much money is available to you for your stay? 是写已准备的钱吗?
Section 9 Students
9.11 Please give details of how your courses and living expenses will be funded?
应该怎么写呀? 这个问题和6.10是一样的吗? 钱数是不是应该也写一样啊?
Section 6 Your Finances and Employment Details
6.1 What is your present job? 应该写什么呢? 我已经毕业了没有工做。是写student还是N/A?看你是什么时间毕业的了。不是今年就填N/A
6.10 How much money is available to you for your stay? 是写已准备的钱吗?是的
Section 9 Students
9.11 Please give details of how your courses and living expenses will be funded?
应该怎么写呀? 这个问题和6.10是一样的吗? 钱数是不是应该也写一样啊?你的##被过滤##上署名的学费数额和参考生活费数额。