三. 内因决定外因
曾经在BBC LEARNING ENGLISH中有采访到当地的民众对于天气的看法,仿佛与我们平时的看法不是很相同啊,那让我们来看看英国当地民众到底是怎样看待英国天气的呢?
A:I think when it’s too hot, we say it’s too hot. When it’s too cold we say it’s too cold. When it rains, it’s raining. But I think our weather is pretty good actually.
I think we’re just naturally a nation of grumblers.
For example, when the politicians are here and doing their duty, we’re moaning all the time about how they interfere and how we’d wish that they’d all go away. When they go on holiday, we moan that they have had the audacity to take a holiday.
So there’s no pleasing us. And the weather, because it happens every day, and the weather changes, so the weather is a great opportunity to unleash our moaning tendencies.
好了,同学们,看来还真不是英国的天气真的太糟糕,而是英国人们抱怨的因子在作祟啊~moaning~ |