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[生活琐碎] (ZT)犯罪心理criminal minds每集开头结尾名人名言,中英对照版

发表于 2011-1-24 15:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




Season 1
◎Episode 1: Extreme Aggressor(2005.09.22)
●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad
●Try again. Fail again. Fail better.——Samuel Beckett
【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。】
●Try not. Do or do not.——Yoda
●All is riddle, and the key to a riddle…is another riddle.——Emerson
●The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill
●When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche

◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)
●There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese
●Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.—— Einstein
●Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.——William Faulkner

◎Episode 3: Won’t Get Fooled Again(2005.10.05)
●Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.——Samuel Johnson

◎Episode 4: Plain Sight(2005.10.12)
●Don’t forget that I cannot see myself that my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror.——Jacques Rigaut
【Jacques Rigaut(法国诗人):别忘了我看不到我自己,我的角色仅限于看向镜子里的那个人。】
●Birds sing after a storm. Why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?——Rose Kennedy

◎Episode 5: Broken Mirror(2005.10.19)
●When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him.——Euripides
●When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness.——Euripides
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-24 15:31 | 只看该作者
◎Episode 6: L.D.S.K.(2005.11.02)
●The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against it’s existence, rather, a condition of it.——Nietzsche
●Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.——Shakespeare

◎Episode 7: The Fox(2005.11.09)
●With foxes, we must play the fox.——Dr. Thomas Fuller
【Dr. Thomas Fuller:遇到狐狸时,我们一定要学会狡猾。】
●When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.——Sherlock Holmes

◎Episode 8: Natural Born Killer(2005.11.16)
●There is no hunting like the hunting of man. And those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else.——Hemingway
●The healthy man does not torture others. Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.——Carl Jung

◎Episode 9: Derailed(2005.11.23)
●A belief is not merely an idea that mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind.——Robert Oxton Bolton
【Robert Oxton Bolton(作家):信仰不只是一种受头脑支配的思想,它也是
●A question that sometimes drives me hazy–am I or the others crazy?——Einstein

◎Episode 10: The Popular Kids(2005.11.30)
●Unfortunately a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares.——Sir Peter Ustinov
●Ideologies separate us, dreams and anguish bring us together.——Eugene Ionesco

◎Episode 11: Blood Hungry(2005.12.14)
●The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.——Harriet Beecher Stowe

◎Episode 12: What Fresh Hell?(2006.01.11)
●Evil is unspectacular and always human. And shares our bed… and eats at our table.——W.H. Auden
【W. H.奥顿(英国诗人):恶魔通常只是凡人并且毫不起眼,他们与我们同床,与我们同桌共餐。】
●Measure not the work until the day’s out and the labor done.——Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-24 15:32 | 只看该作者
◎Episode 13: Poison(2006.01.18)
●What is food to one, is to others bitter poison.——Titus Lucretius Carus
●Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.——Confucius

◎Episode 14: Riding the Lightning(2006.01.25)
●Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed.——Genesis 9:6
●What we do for ourselves dies with us.What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.——Albert Pine
【Albert Pine(英国作家):为自己做的都会随着死去而消逝,为他人和世界所做的将会延续而不朽。】

◎Episode 15: Unfinished Business(2006.03.01)
●It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us(but we can still love them).——Norman Maclean
【诺曼· 麦考连(芝加哥大学英国文学教授,他的自传被改编成电影『大河恋』):总是那些我们相处、相爱、本该相知的人在蒙蔽我们。(即便这样,我们仍然爱着他们。)】
●In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.——Abraham Lincoln
【亚伯拉罕· 林肯:到头来,你活了多少岁不算什么。重要的是你是如何度过这些岁月的。】

◎Episode 16: The Tribe(2006.03.08)
●The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.——Nietzsche
●You can take many paths to get to the same place.——An Old Apache Saying

◎Episode 17: A Real Rain(2006.03.22)
●Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures. So that society must take the place of the victim, and on his behalf, demand atonement or grant forgiveness.——W.H. Auden
【W. H. 奥顿:谋杀是独特的,因为它完全破坏了受害人。所以社会必须为死者说话,而且应以死者的名义来要求补偿或行使赦免】
●It is better to be violent if there’s violence in our hearts than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence.——Gandhi
●I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary. The evil it does is permanent.——Gandhi
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-24 15:32 | 只看该作者
◎Episode 18: Somebody’s Watching(2006.03.29)
●A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.——Diane Arbus
●An American has no sense of privacy. He does not know what it means. There is no such thing in the country.——Bernard Shaw

◎Episode 19: Machismo(2006.04.12)
●Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.——Anthony Brandt
【Anthony Brandt:其他的事情可能会改变我们,但我们开始并终结于家庭。】
●The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.——Mexican Proverb

◎Episode 20: Charm and Harm(2006.04.19)
●There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.——Voltaire
●We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.——Francois de La
【Francois de La(作家):在人前我们总是习惯于伪装自己,但最终也蒙骗了自己。】

◎Episode 21: Secrets and Lies(2006.05.03)
●Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.——Albert Einstein
●In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.——George Orwell
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-24 15:32 | 只看该作者
◎Episode 22: The Fisher King (1)(2006.05.10)
●No man needs a vacation much as the man who has just had one.——Elbert Hubbard

Season 2
◎Episode 1: The Fisher King (2)(2006.09.20)
●The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body. After all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind.——Francois La Rochefoucauld
【Francois La Rochefoucauld(法国作家):思想上的缺陷和弱点正如身体上的创伤,就算用尽一切办法将其治愈,仍然会留下疤痕。】
●It has been said that time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue ,and the pain lessens, but it is never gone.——Rose kennedy

◎Episode 2: P911(2006.09.27)
●The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.——Dietrich Bonhoeffer
【Dietrich Bonhoeffer(德国青年神学家,1906-1945):为孩子们所做的一切应成为衡量社会道德的标尺。】

◎Episode 3: The Perfect Storm(2006.10.04)
●Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.——Mark Twain
●Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.——Kahlil Gibran

◎Episode 4: Psychodrama(2006.10.11)
●Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.——Oscar Wilde
●The basis of shame is not some personal mistake of ours, but… that this humiliation is seen by everyone.——Milan Kundera

◎Episode 5: Aftermath(2006.10.18)
●While the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.——Helen Keller
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-24 15:32 | 只看该作者
◎Episode 6: The Boogeyman(2006.10.25)
●We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.——Plato

◎Episode 7: North Mammon(2006.11.01)
●It’s not so important who starts the game, but who finishes it.——John Wooden
●The ultimate choice for a man, inasmuch as he is driven to transcend himself, is to create or to destroy, to love or to hate.——Erich Fromm

◎Episode 8: Empty Planet(2006.11.08)
●Crime butchers innocents to secure a prize, and innocence struggles with all its might against the attempts of crime.——Maximilien Robespierre
●Coincidences seem to be the source for some of our greatest irrationalities.——Josh Tenenbaum
【Josh Tenenbaum(MIT cognitive scientist|麻省理工学院认知科学家):巧合似乎是我们最大错误的根源。】

◎Episode 9: The Last Word(2006.11.15)
●If men could only know each other, they would neither idolize nor hate.——Elbert Hubbert
●Remember that all through history there have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Always.——Mahatma Gandhi
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-24 15:32 | 只看该作者
◎Episode 10: Lessons Learned(2006.11.22)
●Some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes.
●The error of the past is the wisdom of the future.
●In order to learn the most important lessons of life, one must each day surmount a fear.——Ralph Waldo Emerson

◎Episode 11: Sex, Birth, Death(2006.11.29)
●Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow.——T. S. Eliot
【T. S. Eliot(Thomas Stearns Eliot,托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特,诗人、评论家、剧作家,1888-1965):在理想与现实之间,在动机与行为之间,总有阴影徘徊。】
●Between the desire and the spasm, between the potency and the existence, between the essence and the descent, falls the shadow. This is the way the world ends.——T. S. Eliot
【T. S. Eliot:在渴欲与痉挛之间,在潜在与存在之间,在本质和传承之间,幕帘重重。这就是世界中止的方式。】

◎Episode 12: Profiler, Profiled(2006.12.13)
●How secrets deep. How secrets become dark. That’s in the nature of secrets.——Cory Doctorow

●One tends to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts.——Sherlock Holmes

◎Episode 13: No Way Out(2007.01.17)
●Evil draws men together.——Aristotle

◎Episode 14: The Big Game(2007.02.04)
●I didn’t have anything against them, and they never did anything wrong to me, the way other people have all my life. Maybe they’re just the ones who have to pay for it.——Perry Smith
【Perry Smith(冷血##被过滤##,与同伙Dick Hickock关系微妙;作家Truman Capote的『In Cold Blood』一书的原型;可参看电影『Capote』、『Infamous』):我并不针对他们,他们也没对我犯过错,是其他人这么对我的。也许他们是应该为此偿还的人。】

◎Episode 15: Revelations(2007.02.07)
●There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.——Ecclesiastes 7:20
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发表于 2011-1-25 08:36 | 只看该作者
嗯嗯 不错来瞧瞧!
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啊啊啊  超喜欢看的
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