我接受了BATH的MSc CS的con offer,就等拿到学位换uncon offer了。但是今天突然收到了BATH的一封信,说是在4月27上海有一个reception,到时候会有几个教授过来,问我是否接受这个invitation.
I am writing to let you know that ...... will be visiting Shanghai in April.They would like to extend an invitation to you to join them and other applicants living in China at a reception to be held at...(以下就是时间和地点)
In addition to having the opportunity to meet other applicants to BATH we have also invited some of our alumni now living in China.This will provide the opportunity to meet former students and share their insights into university life.
If you are able to attend,and we very much hope that you are,please...
我现在就很犹豫要不要去,如果去是不是要先好好准备一下啊,谢谢各位了。 |