AUT Industrial Action
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 14:12:54 -0000
From: "Melly, Andrea"
You may have heard that some lecturers at this and other universities are currently
taking industrial action 'short of a strike' which may impact on the assessment
and examinati##被过滤## process. The dispute is about modernisation of pay and conditi##被过滤##,
and the development of a single, national pay framework for all staff in higher
education. This framework has been accepted by all the trade uni##被过滤## involved
except the Association of University Teachers (AUT). The AUT has withdrawn
from formal negotiati##被过滤## at a national level, although informal discussi##被过滤##
are taking place between AUT and UCEA (the employers association which negotiates
on behalf of universities) about how to restart negotiati##被过滤##. The TUC is attempting
to mediate in this process and the University is in contact with UCEA to express
its views on the issues. We therefore hope that this dispute will be brought
to a speedy conclusion.
Discussi##被过滤## with the AUT are also taking place locally and the University is
currently preparing advice and guidance for academic departments to try and
ensure that assessment and examinati##被过滤## can go ahead as scheduled and that
no students are unfairly disadvantaged.
In the meantime:
* You should complete any course work assignments already set by the stipulated
deadlines and submit assignments to your department in the normal way.
* You should assume that examinati##被过滤## will go ahead as scheduled. You should
prepare for these in the normal way and be ready to sit your examinati##被过滤## at
the times stated in the timetable posted on the Alexandra Square windows of
University House and on the Student Registry web-site.
If you experience any specific difficulties in relation to coursework assignments
or examinati##被过滤## you should seek guidance from your department in the first
instance. If you are unable to resolve these difficulties then you can seek
advice from the Undergraduate Registry in A14 on the ground floor of University
The national and local discussi##被过滤## will continue for the immediate future and
beyond the end of term. If there are any major developments I will write to
you again either during the Easter vacation or at the start of the Summer Term.
(NB If you are doing a Combined degree you may be sent this letter twice.)
Lesley Wareing
Head of Student Registry
Contact Numbers for undergraduate assessment queries.
Ian Denny ext 92139
Lesley Wareing ext 92024/92140