收到了durham的msc in finance,的con-offer,我申请的时候给他的成绩是托福分够线,可是TWE不够,他的CON-OFFER的条件就是是要求我“obtain a TOEFL TWE score of at least 5.0”,我是考过twe5.0,可是那个托福分又不够线。而且他还要deposit of £300。我就把2次托福分的复印件都给他寄去了,并且要求他先答应综合看待我2次分数,如果答应给我UN-conditional offer我才给他300英镑。8天后durham回信了,说只有先给了他们deposit of £300和official copy of your TOEFL certificate 才给我unconditional offer 。
Further to your acceptance of a place on the MSc programme, I am writing
to request your 300 deposit within four weeks of this email. Please can
you also send me an official copy of your TOEFL certificate and we shall
issue you with your unconditional offer letter.
不明白的是他信的意思是不是接受我的托福成绩答应给我uncon-offer了吗?还有就是他只是说要an official copy of your TOEFL certificate ,是指托福原件吗,可是他又没有说是2次的都要还是只要其中的一次?我好困惑,请大家指点,谢谢! |