Where: Siberia, Russia
When: 2001
Photographer: Mark Thiessen
"With budgets tight and boots loose, [for Russian smokejumpers] rags stand in for socks and saplings double as tent poles. 'Ten years ago we had more guys, but the equipment was bad,' says one veteran smokejumper. 'Now we have fewer guys, and the equipment is still bad!'"
—From "Russian Smokejumpers," August 2002, National Geographic magazine
Where: Nablus, West Bank, Israel
When: 1952
Photographer: John Scofield
"To shelter Palestinian refugees after Israel's 1948 War of Independence, the UN and volunteer agencies raised a tent city near Nablus. Six decades later the refugees remain."
—From "Lines in the Sand: Deadly Times in the West Bank and Gaza," October 2002, National Geographic magazine
Where: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
When: 1997
Photographer: Joel Sartore
Bison dot a Yellowstone snowscape, some sweeping the drifts aside with their heads to uncover vegetation. A thick mantle of hair over their forequarters and heads and a heavy coat over their hindquarters allow bison to keep warm in harsh winter temperatures.
(Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Return of the Gray Wolf," May 1998, National Geographic magazine)
Where: Island of Gorée, Senegal
When: 1974
Photographer: Gordon Gahan
"Dungeon-like slave quarters remind visitors of a dark history when ships hauled human cargo from the Island of Gorée."
—From "Saving Places," October 2002, National Geographic magazine