A positive curve allows you to fund a trading book more cheaply by borrowing on a short term basis at lower rates. The positive carry builds up a useful cushion of profit, but the funding may have to be rolled over perhaps many times before the position is unwound. If funding rates rise the cost of carry may negate any trading profits.
To make a profit we need to sell the tail of the bond position in 6 months for a yield of less than 6.30%.(为什么要少于6。30%能盈利呢?不是大于这个数,才能盈利嘛?因为应该超过breakeven yeild才能盈利嘛) We have in fact created a synthetic futures position in the bond, at a yield of 6.30%. In effect, we are betting on the future yield on the bond being lower than its implied forward yield.
In a positive yield curve:
Being long the curve requires the view that yields will not rise by more than the forward rates
Being short the curve requires the view that yields will rise by more than the forward rates
The figure below highlights the risks involved from a funding perspective. The funding rate after 6 months has not yet been fixed: if the rate rises beyond the breakeven then we shall lose money overall.(为什么,如果要是炒过这个值,会赔了所有的投资呢?)