我原本申请直接进入PHD within the framework of the SGPE in Economics的第二年。因为该校说如果有硕士学位,可以跳过MSC课程,直接入读博士。
但前天收到该校的来信,劝我还是要读MSC课程。也就是将transfer my phd appn to one for an msc。并说,如果同意这样改动一下,"you would be in a very strong position indeed. First of all you appear to be a good student and whilst we do not offer financial suppor to our msc students, good phd students do tend to receive scholarships - typically these pay at the very least fees and more often than not pay living expenses."
校方的意思是不是说:读MSC课程的时候是没有奖学金得,(那我至少要自已负担一年的所有费用了?)但如果通过考试后,读PHD时,就可能有奖了?“typically these pay at the very least fees and more often than not pay living expenses”这句话的意思是说奖学金很丰厚吗?
我申请的实际上是PHD within the framework of the SGPE( Scottish Graduate Program in Economics),这个PROGRAM是几所学校共同教学得,只不过是在Edinburgh读。您在回复中所说的Edinburgh的经济学和这个是同一个吗?谢谢!