从英国学生网站copy来的,might be of interest to incoming Freshers.
ISS are introducing some important changes to ResNet, and we'd like to take a moment
to explain what these changes are and how they will affect you.
From 1st September a new quota system will be introduced to ResNet to ensure equal
bandwidth is available for all and that no one consumes more than their fair share.
Access to everyday web browsing and University services (such as LUVLE and WebMail)
will be unaffected, but a 30GB monthly quota will be applied to other classes of
network traffic. Full details about the ResNet quota are available online at
What does this mean for you?
On average, only 7% of ResNet users exceed 30GB each month, so this will only affect
a relatively small number of users. Should you be one of them, then the available
bandwidth to certain types of application (such as peer-to-peer software and online
gaming) will be limited for the remainder of the month. This won't stop these
applications from working, it will just slow them down a little.
How can I track my usage?
We have made it very easy for you to keep a track of your quota usage throughout the
month in a new My ResNet area of our website, available at
https://resnet.lancs.ac.uk/. To view your quota usage in real-time, click the 'My
ResNet' tab at the top of the page and then choose the 'My Quota' option. You will
be asked to log in with your University username and password.
Need help?
If you need any further information or assistance, please contact the ISS Service
Desk at iss-service-desk@lancaster.ac.uk or call x10987.
Kind Regards,
Information Systems Services |