我的花钱计划: Weekly food:30 bus:8 out for fun:5(2beers a week) grocery:3
Monthly mobile:30 rent:214.5
Everything/month:450 (I normal spent less than that,because I work all the time, there is no time to f**k around)(Than I blow all my left over on all my friends, it makes people around me happier and it blows my mind, get out here, losers.
Income:1st job:7am-11am mon-fri hourly rate: £6.50 2ed job:9:00am-2:30pm sat-sun hourly rate:£5.90 total:£780/month balance:780-450=330
I earn £330 a month! earn your own money is great! get stronger is better for you! Losers, get a job and start to save, than get the f**k out of here and live a real life,better to travel or whatever,just get some real interest. We needs real people with real interests here, not a batch of boring Mother F**king losers. Check it out, it is a cool blog, not some sissy sh!t!!! http://ihavestoryuwontbelieve.blogspot.com/
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-17 7:00:06编辑过]