Statistics for Finance
老师叫Angelica Gonzalez,有墨西哥血统。这门课也是20个课时的lecture,10个课时的tutorial,tutorial中会涉及相关excel, eviews的操作指导。考试形式是期中考(全部选择题)占30%,期末考(全应用题)占70%。课程安排如下:
Topic1: Data: Plots and summaries
Topic 2: Introduction to Probability,包括Random variables, conditional and joint distributi##被过滤##, IID random variables, random walk model
Topic 3: covariance and correlation, normal distribution, cumulative distribution functi##被过滤##, expectation as a 'long run average', central limit theorem等
Topic 4: statistic inference: confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and p-values
Topic 5: regression analysis, the simple linear regression model, fits, residuals, and r-squared, multiple regression analysis, 看起来很复杂,其实大家仔细看看就会发现,对于学过统计的同学,很多东西都很熟悉。相信大家会对统计的难易程度有一定的了解了。 |