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[活动专题] 爱丁堡大学 College of Humanities & Social Science专业介绍

发表于 2010-5-6 10:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1、MSc Finance and Investment专业介绍


Investment Mathematics
Statistics for Finance
Financial Markets
Analysis of Corporate Financial Information

Investment Mathematics

投资数学并不是单纯的国内的高数线代之类的课,它是和金融投资模型紧密结合的,实用性很强。所以不要以为国内的数学学的够好到这边就可以应对自如了,因为不光光是数学问题。。。关于这门课究竟涉及到多少数学的知识,现在课程已经进行一半,下下周就期中考 ,到目前为止的数学上的应用,也就只是单纯的代数问题,很少涉及到微积分,因为国外同学真的不懂微积分,稍微涉及到一点他们就呼天抢地了,所以很少,即使有也是最基本的积分问题。但是下学期学些什么,我还不知道,相信有国内的数学基础,这门课不会是太难的东东

上课的是Andrew Adams, 貌似是纯正英国人。Senior Lecturer in Finance and Director of the Centre for Financial Markets Research at the University of Edinburgh. He has studied financial markets for over thirty years, as a practitioner in the City of London and as an academic. His research interests focus mainly on investment trust pricing and risk.


week 1 compound interest calculati##被过滤##
week 2 fixed-income bonds
week 3 equities, real estate and index-linked bonds
week 4 modern portfolio theory and asset pricing
week 5 modern portfolio theory and asset pricing
week 6 stochastic modelling
week 7 stochastic modelling
week 8 option pricing model
week 9 option pricing model
week 10 revision
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-6 10:29 | 只看该作者
Statistics for Finance


老师叫Angelica Gonzalez,有墨西哥血统。这门课也是20个课时的lecture,10个课时的tutorial,tutorial中会涉及相关excel, eviews的操作指导。考试形式是期中考(全部选择题)占30%,期末考(全应用题)占70%。课程安排如下:

Topic1: Data: Plots and summaries
Topic 2: Introduction to Probability,包括Random variables, conditional and joint distributi##被过滤##, IID random variables, random walk model
Topic 3: covariance and correlation, normal distribution, cumulative distribution functi##被过滤##, expectation as a 'long run average', central limit theorem等
Topic 4: statistic inference: confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and p-values
Topic 5: regression analysis, the simple linear regression model, fits, residuals, and r-squared, multiple regression analysis, 看起来很复杂,其实大家仔细看看就会发现,对于学过统计的同学,很多东西都很熟悉。相信大家会对统计的难易程度有一定的了解了。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-6 10:29 | 只看该作者
Financial Markets

之前看过一篇评价各个商学院课程设置的帖子,评价financial markets这门课讲的过于宽泛,范围太大,有些不精致。个人感觉,的确有一些不够细节。因为market是一个很大的东西,想要10节课把所有东西讲清楚讲具体是不可能的事情,只能说是点到为止。但是这门课的老师是CFA,相当有经验的那种,很多人都很喜欢上他的课,因为一点也不死板,会讲很多实际的东西,大家一致意见都不错。其实话说回来,课程如果太泛,这就需要你去做大量的reading了,具体的东西是要靠自己看书看来得,不能靠老师上课讲的东西就能应付得了的。

老师是Alistair Byrne,CFA。这门课也是20个课时的lecture,10个课时的tutorial,tutorial是group discussion,老师会给几个重要的topic,小组讨论完之后进行presentation。考试形式是,30%的group assignment,四个人组成的小组写一篇4000字的论文;期末70%的考试,开放性试题,比较担心。。。。

week1: financial markets and institut i o n s
week2: the credit crunch, northern rock, and retail banking
week3: investment banking: the global settlement
week 4: equity capital market
week 5: debt capital markets
sweek 6: fund management and mutual funds
week 7: hedge funds
week 8: pension funds and the pensi o n crisis
week 9: market efficiency and financial regulat i o n
week 10: international comparisi o n

[ 本帖最后由 Godfery 于 2010-5-6 10:31 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-6 10:31 | 只看该作者

Analysis of Corporate Financial Informati o n

这门课说白了是教你如何分析一家公司的好坏,通过各种报表各种数据各种比率,什么比率说明了公司的哪方面如何如何,对于有问题的方面要如何改进等等。这门课最好要有会计基础,看得懂报表(当然这个老师上课会教)。这门课是和accounting and finance专业的同学一起上。老师是希腊人,口音超级重 要好好适应一段时间。对于基本没有会计基础的我,上课要好好下功夫了。。。

老师是Maria Michou。MSc Accounting and Finance的programme director,Exeter的MSc, PHD,曾任教于MBS。这门课20个课时的lecture,3个课时的workshop,12个课时的tutorial,和workshop类似,会有很多数据库的training,因为要查很多数据,所以tutor会教你如何使用各种database。考试形式是,30%的group assignment,五个人组成的小组写一篇5000字的论文;期末70%的考试。

week 1: financial statements: form and content of financial statement
Mweek 2: financial statements: form and content of financial statement (continued)
week 3: ratio analysis)
week 4: ratio analysis7
week 5: raionale, drivers and perspectives for financial accounting
week 7: internaional harmonisation of accounting
week 8: fair value)
week 9: economic approcoaches to asset valuation and income theory
week 10: informational perspectives, forecasting models, signalling and the value of information
week 11: valuation mode


必修课是:Corporate finance, Derivatives, Research methods in Finance
选修课有:Advanced Finance Theory, Advanced International Accounting, Behavioural Finance and Market Anomalies, Cases in Finance and Investment, Equity valuation, Ethics and Corporate Governance, Portfolio management and investment analysis, Public sector financial management 8门课
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发表于 2010-5-7 09:07 | 只看该作者
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