一签拒签信:because the cost of your tuition,maintenance and accommodation is to be borne by your husband and you.funding your education will impose an additional financial burden upon you and i am not satisfied that this imcreased financial outlay is commensurate with your current economic circumstances and that such funds will actually be aciailable to you in the uk.you have claimed that your husband has an annual income of 180000. i find this to be unrealistic and his employment letters have case further doubt on this high income. furthermore, i am not satidfied that the imcome slip that you have provided are genuine. therefore, i am not satisfied.............
the cost of your tuition maintenance and accommodation is to be borne by your husband and yourself. you have produced bank books which show that the equivalent of more that 2years worth of total income was deposited in a short period. you cannot give a satisfactory explanation for or show any evidence of the provenance of this money or dem##被过滤##trate that this money has been saved over a period of time as you claim. I am therefore not satisfied that these funds have not been deposited solely for the purpose of this application and are still available to you.
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