从2010年2月22日起,所有学生欲申请去英国学习所有申请计分制第四阶段签证赴英国学习的学生,必须提供一份由其担保方(即英国境内的教育机构,并需要在担保方注册表sp##被过滤##or register上)出具的学习录取确认函(CAS)。CAS系统(Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies)取代现有的签证函(visa letter)。从这天起,所有的Visa Letter将全部失效,不论是它的签发日期是什么时候。原文如下:
‘From 22 February 2010, any student who applies, either from within the UK or overseas, to study in the UK under Tier 4 of the points-based system must possess a confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) from their prospective sp##被过滤##or (University). Students will not be able to apply under Tier 4 using a visa letter from that date, even if the visa letter was issued before 22 February 2010.
The CAS will contain the same information as is currently provided in a visa letter.
This CAS will generally be provided by the Central Admissi##被过滤## Team issuing you with your unconditional offer to study at the University. Once you have accepted your unconditional offer you will be contacted in order to confirm that certain information providing by you during your application is correct (such as your name and passport number). When you have confirmed that we hold the correct information a CAS will be created for you. The University will then provide you with your CAS number and the information you require to make your visa application (such as your course start and end dates, fees and documents used to assess your academic ability to finish the course). ’
CAS指教育担保方(颁发通 知 书的学校或机构)签发给学生的一种特别的电子参考号。届时,学生要在表上注明。关于申请计分制第四阶段签证赴英国学习更加详细的信息,请参阅英国边境管理局(UK Border Agency)网站的Studying in the UK部分。
以往如果在签证时发现学校签发的Visa Letter有问题,学生需要再向学校申请,而CAS号可以避免这一点,学校可及时在系统里做出更新以方便使馆查询。因为CAS号由UKBA(英国边境管理署)直接签发给学校,每个学生仅有一个号码,所有学校提供的信息或做出的更新都仅针对固定学生;
一个CAS只对应一门主要课程。英国签证处也将对学生的学习能力、语言能力、 资金能力以及学生留学英国动机等进行调查,如果发现哪方面有问题就会拒签。因此,学生务必认真准备签证材料,避免被拒签。申请人如果对材料、信息、表格或其他相关要求存在疑问,