
楼主 |
发表于 2009-11-25 10:33
Part 6 第6部
Previous Applicati##被过滤## and Travel History 以前的申请和旅行史
6.1 If you have a UK National Insurance Number what is the 6.1如果你有一个英国国家保险号码是什么
number? 多少?
The National Insurance Number card is a plastic card, which is issued 国家保险号码卡是一种塑料卡,这是发出
automatically when you first apply for a NI number. 自动当您第一次申请的NI号码。 Number format is 数字格式是
as follows: XX 12 34 56 X 如下:第XX 12 34 56 ×
6.2 Have you travelled to the UK in the last 10 years? 6.2你旅行在过去10年来英国?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
Please include all travel of any duration and for any purpose, including 请包括所有的旅行和任何时间为任何目的,包括
transit. 过境。 You should include dates, duration of stay and purpose in the 你应包括日期,逗留时间和目的
box provided. 提供的框中。
6.3 Have you ever been refused a visa for any country including 6.3您是否曾经拒绝任何人 , 包括国家的签证
the UK? 英国?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
If you were refused a visa for the UK please enter either your Home 如果你被拒绝了英国的请输入您的家庭签证
Office reference number which is prefixed with the first letter of your 办公室的职权是前缀号码与您的第一个字母
family name, for example Smith = S12345 or your visa reference 姓氏,例如史密斯= S12345或签证参考
number in the following format XXX/123456 (the XXX is the country 数以下列格式XXX/123456(XXX是该国
or post location abbreviation, for example New York is NYC). 或张贴位置缩写,例如纽约纽约)。
6.4 Have you been granted a visa for the UK in the last 10 6.4你被授予了英国在过去10签证
years? 年?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
Please enter the reference number if you know it. 请输入参考号码 , 如果你知道它。 You can find this 你可以找到这个
on the previous vignette (visa) in your passport. 在以前的小品文(签证的护照)。 The number format is 数字格式为
as follows: 123456X. 如下:123456X。 You should enter the details whether you used 您应该输入您是否使用细节
the visa or not. 签证与否。
6.5 Have you ever been refused entry on arrival to the UK? 6.5你是否曾经被拒绝在抵达英国的入境?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
You must tell us if you have ever been refused entry to the UK once 你必须告诉我们 , 如果你曾经被拒绝进入英国的一次
you arrived at Immigration Control at a port or airport. 您抵达入境管制在港口或机场。 Or if once 或者 , 如果一旦
in the UK your visa/Leave to Remain was cancelled and you were 在英国的签证/居留许可被取消 , 而你
required to leave. 要求离开。 Give the reason in the box provided. 请在框中的原因提供。 Please enter 请输入
your Home Office reference number which is prefixed with the first 您的家庭办公室的参考编号 , 是第一个前缀
letter of your family name, for example Smith = S12345. 信你的家人的名字,如史密斯= S12345。
6.6 Have you ever been in breach of your immigration conditi##被过滤## 6.6你是否曾经在你违反了移民条件
for the UK? 为英国?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
This will include overstaying or entering the country illegally, using a 这将包括逾期居留或非法进入该国,使用
false identity or otherwise acting in such way that could cause you to 假身份或以其他方式在这种方式 , 可以使你行事
be prosecuted and or deported or required to leave the UK. 被检控 , 或驱逐或被要求离开英国。
6.7 Have you ever been deported, removed or otherwise 6.7你是否曾经被驱逐出境,删除或以其他方式
required to leave any country, including the UK 要求离开任何国家,包括英国
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
Please provide full details of the reason you were required to leave 请提供你必须离开的原因详情
or were removed from any country, including the UK. 被移走或从任何国家,包括英国。 If you were 如果你
required to leave the UK please enter your Home Office reference 要求离开英国请输入您的家庭办公室的职权
number which is prefixed with the first letter of your family name, for 编号是与你的姓氏的第一个字母,为前缀
example Smith = S12345. 例如史密斯= S12345。
6.8 Have you made an application to the Home Office to remain 6.8你提出申请 , 内政部保持
in the UK in the last 10 years? 在英国 , 过去10年?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
This is when you have been to the UK previously and made a formal 这是当你到过英国以前并发表了正式的
application to extend your conditi##被过滤## of stay for whatever reason. 申请延长逗留的任何原因您的条件。 You 您
should also say if you have applied to extend your stay but left the UK 还应该说 , 如果你已申请延长您的逗留 , 但留在英国
before receiving a reply. 在收到答复。 Please give the reason for the application and 请给为应用程序和理性
why you were refused, if applicable, in the box provided. 你为什么被拒绝,如适用于中,提供的。 You must 你必须
enter your Home Office reference number which is prefixed with the 输入您的家庭办公室的参考号码是与前缀
first letter of your family name, for example Smith = S12345. 您的第一个字母的姓氏,例如史密斯= S12345。
6.9 Do you have any criminal convicti##被过滤## in any country 6.9你有在任何国家的任何刑事纪录
(including traffic offences)? (包括交通违例)?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
You must record ANY convicti##被过滤## you have obtained during your 您必须记录您获得您在任何定罪
lifetime in any country including the UK. 一生在任何国家包括英国。 Convicti##被过滤## will not necessarily 而被定罪 , 不一定
result in automatic refusal. 结果在自动拒绝。 However failure to disclose any conviction 但是没有透露任何定罪
will be taken into c##被过滤##ideration. 将予以考虑。 If you have any convicti##被过滤## you must 如果您有任何的信念 , 您必须
submit the official record of the conviction, detailing the crime you 提交正式的定罪记录,详细说明你的罪行
were convicted of along with any sentence received. 都是一起收到任何被定罪判刑。 Please include 请包括
your supporting documents. 你的证明文件。
6.10 Have you ever been charged in any country with a criminal 6.10您是否曾经在任何国家刑事指控
offence for which you have not yet been tried in court? 罪行 , 而您尚未在法庭审判?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below 如果'是',请在下面提供详情
You must record ANY criminal offence in any country including the 你必须记录在任何国家 , 包括任何刑事罪行
UK for which you are currently awaiting trial. 英国为您正在等待审判。 Any such disclosure will 任何这种披露会
not necessarily result in automatic refusal. 不一定会导致自动拒绝。 However failure to disclose 但没有披露
any convicti##被过滤## will be taken into c##被过滤##ideration 任何信念将考虑
6.11 In times of either peace or war have you, ever been involved 6.11已在和平或战争的时候 , 你,从来没有参与
in, or suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against 在,或参与,战争罪,危害怀疑
humanity or genocide? 人类或种族灭绝?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
Refer to the definiti##被过滤## detailed on the next page. 请参考下页的详细的定义。 If'Yes' please If'Yes'请
provide full details in Part 7. 第7部分提供全部细节。
6.12 Have you, ever been involved in, supported, or encouraged 6.12你,从来没有参与,支持或鼓励
terrorist activities in any country? 任何国家的恐怖活动? Have you, ever been a member 有你,从来没有成员
of, or given support to an organisation that has been concerned ,或给予支持的该组织一直在关注
in terrorism? 在恐怖主义?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
Refer to the definiti##被过滤## detailed on the next page. 请参考下页的详细的定义。 If'Yes' please If'Yes'请
provide full details in Part 7. 第7部分提供全部细节。
6.13 Have you ever, by any means or medium, expressed views 6.13你有没有以任何方式或媒体,表达的意见
that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage 该辩解或美化恐怖主义暴力或可能鼓励
others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? 恐怖行为或其他严重犯罪行为的人?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
Refer to the definiti##被过滤## detailed on the next page. 请参考下页的详细的定义。 If'Yes' please If'Yes'请
provide full details in Part 7. 第7部分提供全部细节。
You must enter details of any involvement by any medium, for example 您必须输入任何细节任何媒体的参与,例如
the press, public gatherings, in which you promoted terrorism and/or 新闻界,公众集会,你在推动恐怖主义和/或
the act of terrorism. 恐怖主义行为。
6.14 Have you engaged in any other activities that might indicate 6.14你在从事任何其他活动 , 这可能表示
that you may not be c##被过滤##idered a person of good character? 您可能不被视为可靠的人?
Answer 'Yes / No' 答'是/否'
If 'Yes' please provide details below in Part 7. 如果有的话 , 请提供以下7部分细节。
Please provide details of anything you have done or are doing that 请提供你做了什么或正在做细节
you feel, whether justified or not, is something that could mean you 你觉得,无论合理与否,是有可能意味着你
are not a person of good character. 是不是一个可靠的人。 This also covers whether you 这也包括你是否
are involved in anything illegal other than that already covered in 参与任何违法的事情比在其他已涵盖
questi##被过滤## 6.9 - 6.13. 问题6月9日至六月13日。
Definiti##被过滤## for questi##被过滤## 6.11 - 6.13 问题定义为6.11 - 6.13
Genocide 种族灭绝
Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a 意图摧毁犯下的罪行,全部或部分,
national, ethnical, racial or religious group. 民族,人种,种族或宗教群体。
Crimes against humanity 危害人类罪
Acts committed at any time (not just during armed conflict) as 犯下的行为在任何时间(不只是在武装冲突中)为
part of a widespread or systematic attack, directed against any 一部分广泛或有系统的攻击,针对任何
civilian population with knowledge of the attack. 平民人口的攻击知识。 This would 这将
include offences such as murder, torture, rape, severe deprivation 包括诸如谋杀罪,酷刑,##被过滤##,严重剥夺
of liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law and 自由在国际法和基本原则的行为
enforced disappearance of pers##被过滤##. 强迫人员失踪。
War crimes 战争罪
Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventi##被过滤## committed during an 一个期间犯下的严重违反日内瓦公约
armed conflict. 武装冲突。 This includes an internal armed conflict and an 这包括内部武装冲突和
international armed conflict. 国际武装冲突。 The types of acts that may c##被过滤##titute 类型的行为可能构成
a war crime include wilful killing, torture, extensive destruction of 战争罪 , 包括故意杀害,酷刑,广泛破坏 ,
property not justified by military necessity, unlawful deportation, 财产没有军事上的必要,非法驱逐出境,
the intentional targeting of civilians and the taking of hostages. 对平民的蓄意攻击和劫持人质。
Terrorist Activities 恐怖活动
Any act committed, or the threat of action, designed to influence 某种行为,或旨在影响的行动,威胁
a government or intimidate the public and made for the purpose 一国ZF或恐吓公众 , 并为此目的而作出
of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause and that 推进政治,宗教或意识形态的原因 , 而
involves serious violence against a person; that may endanger 涉及到对人的严重暴力事件,这可能危及
another person's life; creates a serious risk to the health or safety 另一个人的生命;造成严重危险的健康或安全
of the public; involves serious damage to property; is designed to 公众;涉及财产的严重损害,是为了
seriously disrupt or interfere with an electronic system. 严重破坏或干扰电子系统。
Organisati##被过滤## concerned in terrorism 有关机构在恐怖主义
An organisation is concerned in terrorism if it: 一个组织感到关切的是恐怖主义 , 如果:
a. 字母a. commits or participates in acts of terrorism, 犯或参与恐怖主义行为,
b. 湾 prepares for terrorism, 对恐怖主义的准备,
c. 角 promotes or encourages terrorism (including the unlawful 推广或鼓励恐怖主义(包括非法
glorification of terrorism), or 颂扬恐怖主义),或
d. d. is otherwise concerned in terrorism 在其他有关恐怖主义
This guidance is not exhaustive. 本指南并不详尽。 The full definiti##被过滤## of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide can be found in Schedule 8 战争罪,反人类罪和种族##被过滤##的全部定义中可以找到附表8
of the International Criminal Court Act 2001 at the following web-site: www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2001/20010017.htm. 国际刑事法院法2001年在以下网址:www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2001/20010017.htm。 |