To all students paying their own fees
Fees are payable in two instalments, at the start of each semester (October and February). The University will accept post-dated cheques for the second instalment, which will avoid the need for students to make a further visit to the Fees office in February and minimise queuing. Payment of each instalment may be made by cheque, cash or sterling bankers draft (the preferred method for overseas students thus avoiding further bank charges) or by credit/debit card. It is intended, by October, to provide the facility for students to pay their fees, using credit/debit cards, via the web. Overdue fees will incur penalty charges and non-payment of fees will result in termination of the course.
Full Time UK/EU undergraduates, who have been assessed by an LEA or the DfES to pay fees of up to £1,125 are required to bring a copy of their award assessment letter to the University together with payment of the first instalment. The award letter will show the personal contribution to be made towards fees. Fee collection will take place centrally simultaneously with the issue of (for UK students only) LEA grant and Student Loan Company cheques. Please note that failure to provide the University with a copy of the award assessment letter may result in students having to pay the full fee of £1,125. UK students should also note that in order to collect a loan, students must have completed the official enrolment process, via the web, and MUST bring a copy of the SLC loan notification letter. This letter will quote an individual student support number (SSN) and loans cannot be issued without the University having sight of this letter.
All other privately funded students are required to pay their fees at the Fees Office during the first two weeks of October. Invoices are not issued for privately funded students and it is envisaged, from October, that students will be able to view their financial account details via the web. It is also envisaged that communication from the Fees Office to students regarding their account will be made via the University of Southampton subscribed email address.