HCSA = Halifax College Students’ Association
GSA = University of York Graduate Students’ Association
UYAU = University of York Athletic Union+ N) \1 u O$ D, g# s z
YUSU = University of York Students’ Union2
RAG = Raising and Giving
LGBT = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans
College = Halifax College
University = University of York
washbasin 洗手/洗脸池1 M! }; {6 i8 o+ X
en-suite 自带卫生间和shower
self-catering 自己可以做饭的厨房,包括oven, grill,kettle, microwave…………..
single room 单人房间
laundry 洗衣间
computer cluster 公共机房
庆幸自己在英国的第一年选择了约克,目睹了她春夏秋冬,阴晴雨雪的美。约克的静谧,雅致,安逸,若不在那里住上几日,是无法真正享受的。; Z) Z4 F9 [- T) M$ v" H
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约克住宿主要分三部分。校园内部(colleges),校园周边(other university accommodation),校园外(private houses)
Wentworth College:
Wentworth Graduate College is named after the last great President of the Council of the North (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford (April 13, 1593 - May 12, 1641) who had his headquarters in the King's Manor which, after many vicissitudes, became the first headquarters of the University of York. It opened in 1972 and until the summer of 2001 it had undergraudate members as well as graduates and staff in the same way as the other colleges in York.
周围环境: 位于约克校园一面是约克内湖(university lake),一面是放牛遛狗的大草地 (Walmgate stray).穿过草地,和军区,就是iceland, aldi两大超市,走路10-15分钟.
住宿旁边就是wentworth college.里面ground floor有一个很大的computer cluster和Kasbah Café. Kasbah Café 提供三餐和酒水,价格不是很贵.laundry就要自己解决或者用学校的洗衣房烘干机.好像是洗一次1.2镑,烘一次0.2镑.具体价格不记得了
总体: 460个自带卫生间的(en-suite)房间,目前只提供给graduates.刚建了四五年,内部装修是全约克最好的.一般6个人(一半左右中国人)一个flat.
厨房:一个flat 里面的六个人公用一个非常大的,有落地窗的厨房(不到20平方米). 如果你知道其他住宿的人均厨房面积,就可以充分理解” 非常大” 用的很是很准确的.厨房内部设备一应俱全.电视机需要自己配备.wentworth的厨房确实是全约克最爽的
房间:Wentworth里面大部分是面积较小的房间(standard room),大概只有8平方米,不算家具,大概只有2平方米的空间,价格一年3800-4000英镑,上网费用60-70镑10个月,不包括在住宿费里面,每年单交。床,书桌,衣柜,书架位置摆放合理,但是不能自己挪动。large rooms/studio,那些房间数量少,一般都是在一层楼的拐角处,非常posh and cosy.大概比一般的房间贵500-600镑/年.
结束: 以前几年住在wentworth的中国人不是很多,因为大家都嫌那里太贵了,比其他住宿平均贵600-700镑.被分到wentworth的同学都会考虑换住宿或者自己出去租房.嗯,不过,最近两年人民生活水平普遍提高了.
价格指数: *****(最贵)
舒适度:****( 装修很好房间太小)
地理位置: ****(离教学楼和图书馆不是最近的。但请注意,约克总共才巴掌大,食指和无名指能有多远)
wenworth住宿楼晚上,从university lake桥上
wentworth block C是图中环形部分,并且面向湖水2
[ 本帖最后由 创口贴 于 2011-4-17 15:54 编辑 ] |