拿到 Aston Business School / Stirling 的 OFFER, 我选哪一所学校呢? 它们的综合排名差不多, ASTON 商科排名好象不错, 但是不是徒有虚名? 实质上和 STIRLING并没有本质的区别?ASTON 的学费可要贵很多. 我非常犹豫不决. ASTON的综合和商科排名怎么会相差这么悬殊?
I have no idea of what red bricks unis. is, could you explain it?
In addition, I know that Liverpool univ. is an old one, but its ranking is ralatively low in recent years, do I need to take this into c##被过滤##ideration?
Manchester unis. ranks the 1st, followed by liverpool. The others are not as famous as man and liverpool. after all, Man and Livr are the member of red bricks unis. and have lots of wonderful alumnis. so my advice to you is: go to Man!