貨品名稱 品質說明及其他 价格(£)
TV MATSUI, 配天線, 帶錄像及TELETEXT功能, 品質一流. MATSUI with video recorder and teletext. Only 65!
電腦 Desktop Pentium II, 1.96 GB, Windows 98/ Microsoft word 97; NJ star 中文輸入! 金山詞霸! Norton Antivirus system! £60!
台 燈(lampx2) 兩套台燈, £3/each £5 for 2
吹風筒Hairdryer 功能多, 樣式新, 屬於專業吹風筒. £10!
擴音器Speaker SIRIUS, with an earphone. £5
打印機Printer H.P., with INK for around 100 pages. £20
熨斗Iron 功能多, 樣式新, New style and nearly new! £10!
英釋電子詞典 Electronic dictionary Collins Pocket Electronic dictionary. Contains over 90,000 words with full meanings; Thesaurus with over 750,000 words; Phonetic spelling correction… £8
電熱水壺Kettle Good condition! £3
電飯煲 加一個電源轉換插頭. £2
電熱毯 三檔熱量, 非常實用. £6
移動衣櫥 可裝20件外衣, 外加大量衣架! £5
密碼箱 £5
手機Mobile 加充電器一個. Including a charger. 價格面議
國際象棋 International chess! £1.99
書架Book shelf 可部分拆開以便搬運. £6
鬧鍾Clock |